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1.03b bug - campaign crash- cannot complete

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Loving the pathfinding fixes, I restarted the campaign, both for my amusement and to have a look for any bugs. Found a big one.

Carrier command steam version, beta version of 1.03 installed, fully functional.

Win 7 64

system specs can be provided if relevant.

Restarted campaign, clean start.

I'm at the point where I need to find the two parts for the missile.

I've got a re-createable crash to desktop when approaching the island Taksaven. If I remember correctly it contains a part for the missile so the campaign cannot be completed.

As soon as the island loads, I get a crash to desktop, along with an error message:

NULL pointer to instance

Class: trigger_trigger_minefield01

function: 'onload'

Happens every time with no exception, so if someone can verify that this island is indeed not accessible at all in the campaign, that'd be grand.

Probably just a crossed wire somewhere.

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I'm on my first campaign play through and I have this repeatable error as well. I did try taking a different island first instead to see if it still happened and sadly it did, so I'm also bit stuck.

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If I'm not mistaken you can continue taking over all the other islands except for... Fulcrum I believe. You'll need the missile for that one so once you get there and haven't gotten the missile, you'll have to wait until it's fixed. Shouldn't be long now as the patch is in Beta now.

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Thanks for the reply.

I have been given a "hurry up and get the missile parts, the enemy carrier is almost completed" message from a crew member but if it doesn't matter I'll go for the remaining 4 or so islands (that I can currently see anyway) and hope for a quick patch.

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That's correct. I always like it when the story gives you the impression of urgency, but the gameplay doesn't actually force you into rushing. Timers = bad!

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Timing and escort missions I think! Actually while I was stalling playing CC in order for them to improve the pathfinding I went back to Battlestations: Pacific and tried to get all the gold medals for the missions and the one I got stuck on was keeping all of these ships intact which drove me mad. If Battlestations had have been fully moddable you could have done a great mini Carrier Command with it, if you haven't played it you really should as it's a blast!

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