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Having some problems with my stealth mission.

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Hello lovely BiSC forums :) My mind has run wild again, and just shortly after starting my last mission for my buddy's and I, am at work again, this time completely different! Stealth! I'm also going for 100% things working and detailed and realistic, as this one i plan for the world to see and ARMAHOLIC :)

Few things I've run into a snag too / search isn't helping, neither is trusty old Google.

1.) Before I took off ASR_AI mod, AI was super smart and saw us even crawling very far away with ASR_AI on, and tracking us yet not attacking thanks to the new "ACE no view in grass" module. Now that I took that off (too lazy to edit their config and use it, wasn't really needed anyway for this type of mission) I'm still running into default BiS AI problems.

~My problem is, they still act a tad too smart. Even with ZERO skill level and set to "safe". My patrols around the base are at "aware" and immediate patrols that run through the base are at "safe". My General that needs to be killed is at "careless" like hes on the phone call or something. Yet once he's dead, the AI almost 100m notice it somehow and turn their lights on and starting blind firing over at us. The patrol in the inner base are at Safe and 100% always notice he's dropped. If I put them on careless, its too easy, and no challenge... Any suggestions here?

2.) My alarm trigger. I have SEARCHED TO DEATH on this. Currently, it's set up via if !alive Gen1 dies, 20-30secs later a "simulated guard" sees him dead and pulls the alarm and Reinforcements come. That's great and all. But... its 100% predictable that its gonna go off. What is the trick / correct way to make a real alarm go off?

~Meaning: Once BLUFOR is detected and actually SHOT at (Meaning the Patrols FIRE their weapons, the alarm will go off, meaning were spotted and hell is coming down). Is this possible somehow, as to me , seems the most realistic way for my vision to work.

3.) Just a general question, anyone have any general idea what to use for lighting a small base up? I have used Game Logic and random objects to AttachLight too, but all just seems odd and out of place/not reality. It bugs me greatly you can just place a street light or a Lamp and make it look truly realistic without using a 3rd party mod for it. I have used Illuminati Towers, Look Out Mask, Lights in buildings, and headlights and forced lights on in a Patrol chopper. I dont need the base so bright that AI spots you either, just add some "realistic" feel or atmosphere to it.

Few notes before someone ask :)

** Yes, It is PITCH BLACK night (even tho it looks much cooler with a clear nights sky, but AI sees to easy) and AI still spots that General dying. Yes, we are using SD guns WITH SD ammo. **

Thanks all for the incoming help! I had one more question, can't recall at the time though, I'll edit if I think of it! Off to bed!:yay:

EDIT: Ah yes, Now I remember my last question.

4.) Is there no classname for the OA Flashlight? For my Patrol squad, I wanted to have something realistic like the Squad Leader of the group only having a Flashlight that's ON and walking with it, like hes on patrol of the area. Also have a sidearm only, but I know how to do that part. I can't find the classname for it to put in his init field, I also couldn't find ACE flashlight (didn't they add a Military Flashlight? Or am I think of DayZ?). I found the Flashlight in the ACE Ammo crates, but its the kind that like attaches to small sidearm it seems via their Wiki, yet I haven't managed to even get it too work.

Thanks again!

Edited by KilrBe3
Remembered last question

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Hi mate. Here's my 2 cents...

1. Try messing with setSkill array. Maybe you can fine tune the AI to your liking.

2. For this you would probably need a Fired eventHandler and a distance check.... so the AI "hear" the shot. Maybe also check the typeOf weapon to see if it's a suppressed weapon.... then they don't hear the shot. Also lineIntesects along with distance checks (low distance for night time) will be of use with the "seeing" part of it.

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Hi mate. Here's my 2 cents...

1. Try messing with setSkill array. Maybe you can fine tune the AI to your liking.

2. For this you would probably need a Fired eventHandler and a distance check.... so the AI "hear" the shot. Maybe also check the typeOf weapon to see if it's a suppressed weapon.... then they don't hear the shot. Also lineIntesects along with distance checks (low distance for night time) will be of use with the "seeing" part of it.

Thanks for the reply! Still snagged a little.

to #1) I have set the Patrol's setSkill (spotTime and spotDistance) to 0.1 and they still detect me. BUT, I think its also partially do to a few things. Maybe I'm not approaching this right. I had the General outside under a Houses' porch overhang, with a streetlight attached to house, gave it prefect soft light to act like he can see and on the phone. If I move him into a dark place, its not very realistic. SO, than I moved him around, now he's in a barn with the Objective (Kill him + Grab suitcase, and take the hostage). There is a light in there with Game Logic, on a 0.02 brightness setting, again, to make look real. I think my problem is lying there, with any light. Because you can sneak around the base by crawling and slow crouch in some areas, but when you kill the General, enter barn and grab the Suitcase and Hostage, a Patrol sees you, probably due to the lights?? That's my only guess. **Adding screenshot to show my setting/problem. First SS is the objective, second is the patrol that see's what goes on. http://imgur.com/a/bxCi2 **. Now THEY could be avoided if you wait out the patrol, but are random players gonna realize that? I hope so. But worst case, they wont. This problem ALSO comes up when you must blow the choppers. You can crawl into them just fine, but its a 50/50 chance they somehow still see you, even with such a low setSkill. ** There is 3 HINDs that need to be blown behind the barn door**

2.) I'm also running into that problem with the alarm still, half of me just doesn't fully get it, nor fully how to set that up properly, as that's getting into some advanced stuff which I haven't got my feet wet yet with. Would you mind giving me some pointers / examples for this? I understand what your saying and the things needed, but no clue how to piece this together.

Also still having trouble with #3) and #4). Mostly #3 and finding a balance, so you don't get spotted from the light. Again, they are all very dim and on 0.02 for every light. **Screenshot of the HIND outpost base and showing its lights. http://imgur.com/dr3RE **

Before I had burning barrels, and didn't look near as good, and gave too much lights.



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The AI at the best of times is still probably not going to do exactly as you'd want them too. As far as I know streetlights won't help the AI see any better.... but attached light objects do. Check http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lightAttachObject.

To implement "line of sight" for the AI you will have to look for posts on the fairly new lineIntersects command. I have not used it as yet so have no code or clue on how to use it.

I can't help you with the ACE flashlight as I don't use ACE.... and anything DayZ belongs in the DayZ forums.

Also if you are running mods then anything can happen and the AI behavior is probably modified anyway. You may be pushing shit uphill!

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The AI at the best of times is still probably not going to do exactly as you'd want them too. As far as I know streetlights won't help the AI see any better.... but attached light objects do. Check http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lightAttachObject.

To implement "line of sight" for the AI you will have to look for posts on the fairly new lineIntersects command. I have not used it as yet so have no code or clue on how to use it.

I can't help you with the ACE flashlight as I don't use ACE.... and anything DayZ belongs in the DayZ forums.

Also if you are running mods then anything can happen and the AI behavior is probably modified anyway. You may be pushing shit uphill!

I didn't bring up DayZ...... I just thought the Military Flashlight was added with ACE, as I thought BiS made their own flashlight with OA. But maybe I was thinking DayZ and they made the Military Flashlight. But I DO KNOW, ACE did bring in a "Flashlight" but is not held in hand, and was for attaching to a sidearm. But if I'am wrong in my thinking, which I may be, as I can't find the classname for the OA flashlight, so probably doesn't exist (Yet I thought it did). Than I'll have to use the AK with the Flashlight on it, and just use a command to have his light always on.

Only mods I'm running are just ACE and basic unit add-ons.

I will re-look my lights, and I was using them with Game logic or already placed objects and using lightAttachObject. That's why I asked and thought they may be giving the AI that extra "edge" to see. Only issue I have with that is, it's really hard to partially give a base light, and give it atmosphere, instead of complete darkness and being highly un-realistic. Like I said, I think it's just hard to find that golden spot.

My main issue I have at the moment, is still trying to get that Alarm to trigger off of OPFOR detect us / shooting at you. Compared to how it is now, and is set to go off if the General gets shot. (which he always will, as its part of the mission task). That is what I'm down to at the moment and need the biggest input/help for that. Once that is cleared up, it's pretty much done.

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I'm not sure I understand because you can set the trigger to fire when "BLUFOR is detected by OPFOR" in the mission editor.

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I'm not sure I understand because you can set the trigger to fire when "BLUFOR is detected by OPFOR" in the mission editor.

Wow, I was staring right at the the whole time for almost 2 days.... Don't I just feel like a idiot... I really never saw it, or if I did, never made the connection :( See this is why I don't make Stealth like missions!

Pardon my stupidity!!

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No worries man! It can be overwhelming at times.

I was actually working on a simple detection script for you using knowsabout....


_blufor_grps = _this select 0;
_opfor_grps = _this select 1;

_alarm_raised = false;

while {not(_alarm_raised)} do {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _opfor_grps)-1 do {
	_opfor_grp = _opfor_grps select _i;
	for "_j" from 0 to (count _blufor_grps)-1 do {
		_blufor_grp = _blufor_grps select _j;
		for "_k" from 0 to (count (units _blufor_grp))-1 do {
			_blufor_unit = (units _blufor_grp) select _k;
			if ((leader _opfor_grp knowsabout _blufor_unit) > 1.4) then {
				//raise alarm here
				_alarm_raised = true;
sleep 1;

You would call it with groups like this....

nul = [[west_group1],[east_group1,east_group2]] execVM "monitor.sqf";

Posted it anyway and not tested but should work. Might have silly errors.

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No worries man! It can be overwhelming at times.

I was actually working on a simple detection script for you using knowsabout....


_blufor_grps = _this select 0;
_opfor_grps = _this select 1;

_alarm_raised = false;

while {not(_alarm_raised)} do {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _opfor_grps)-1 do {
	_opfor_grp = _opfor_grps select _i;
	for "_j" from 0 to (count _blufor_grps)-1 do {
		_blufor_grp = _blufor_grps select _j;
		for "_k" from 0 to (count (units _blufor_grp))-1 do {
			_blufor_unit = (units _blufor_grp) select _k;
			if ((leader _opfor_grp knowsabout _blufor_unit) > 1.4) then {
				//raise alarm here
				_alarm_raised = true;
sleep 1;

You would call it with groups like this....

nul = [[west_group1],[east_group1,east_group2]] execVM "monitor.sqf";

Posted it anyway and not tested but should work. Might have silly errors.

Thanks mate, I'll give this a whirl tonight and report back. Appreciate all your kind help! I really do, you and everyone in the ARMA Community! It's fantastic!


EDIT: All worked out great!! Doing a final art pass through/detail's and than it be ready for the public! Thank you so much!

Edited by KilrBe3

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Hi mate. Here's my 2 cents...

1. Try messing with setSkill array. Maybe you can fine tune the AI to your liking.

2. For this you would probably need a Fired eventHandler and a distance check.... so the AI "hear" the shot. Maybe also check the typeOf weapon to see if it's a suppressed weapon.... then they don't hear the shot. Also lineIntesects along with distance checks (low distance for night time) will be of use with the "seeing" part of it.

Twirly. could you elaborate on point 2 of your reply. I want a sneak about mission but the AI caps me at 200m in the dark.

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