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avibird 1

Did the last game update make the team switch function not work in MP missions!

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Hello it has been a while since I played ARMA2 due to the zombie invasion ): Not a big fan of the game mode however still love ARMA at it's core. My question is did the last game update make the team switch function not work in MP missions! I usually play MP missions with the team switch and high command fucntions so I can control multiple platoons, squads and teams of units for any kind of mission ie domination, zk's battle zone, war in takistan, patrol operations ect any user made missions that had multiple playable units. I played the missions like a gaint RTS that I had full control of all playable units in the mission with a few other modifield scripts.

I recently came back to ARMA and update the version of my game to the current version and now the team switch does not work in MP modes only in SP. When you team switch out of a units you can't team switch back into the unit as well as the unit is no longer part of that original group of units. I can still play all of my missions but i need to add the missions into the SP folder for it to work right. I still would like to play online on my dedicated server to play with a few friends at times. HELP:confused::confused:

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Not sure if this would cause it but maybe disabledAi actually deletes the unit now after it is abandoned?

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that definitely did not work but thanks for the reply. I think it has to do with something the developers did to help with players when they disconnect and connect into a new server. still looking for some answers why this happens now.

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Still can't find the reason for the team switch function not to work right now! No one else uses the team switch function in MP. Is the whole community playing with zombies. ):

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From what I remember, you never been able to team switch in MP.

But I started from 1.60 patch, so I don't really know.

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Yes you can the team switch can work fine in MP but for some old reason some of my missions are all F-up now. I think it has to do with how the code lines where made. I am no scripter but I can put togther codes/scripts to make really good missons. I have no clue why some of my mission do not work right anymore after the new game patch.

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