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3 Commando Brigade - An upcoming realism unit

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A brief introduction

We base our selves on 3 Commando Brigade - a commando formation of the British Armed Forces and the main manoeuvre formation of the Royal Marines. Within the 3 Commando Brigade we will have 45 Commando platoon, 29 Commando Royal Artillery and Commando Helicopter Force. The platoon that is most suitable to you will be decided based on your training and performance.

What we want

We're an upcoming realism unit and we need as many eager recruits as we can get. To become the tactical gaming clan that we aspire to be, we need more people like you. However, we do have a few minimum requirements that must be met in order to enlist:

- You own a working microphone and Teamspeak 3 is installed.

- You are willing to work as a team

- You can attend operations/training sessions at least 3-4 hours a week

- You are at least 17 years of age

- You can't wait to join

Meet the requirements?

To enlist with the 3 Commando Brigade simply visit our new website or hop on Teamspeak anytime to chat with us. You may also us on our Public ArmA II server (just search for 3 Commando Brigade).

Website: http://www.3commandobrigade.com/

Teamspeak: voice.3commandobrigade.com

We're looking forward to hearing from you.


3 Commando Brigade Admin

Edited by JamieG

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A great response so far guys, we have nearly filled our 1st Section already. We will be having our first training session this weekend on Saturday 3rd November at 8pm GMT. We just need one more guy to complete the section and even the fireteams. Are you in?

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