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parent/inheritance for BAF/PMC weapons

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I have just realised that since I bought the DLC for ACR/PMC and BAF, the pbo's are now all reserved and cannot be opened to explore the configs (as you can for content bought on DVD)

example - CAweapons from arma2 - I can depbo and explore and then maintain inheritance with configs for my modded weapons

(this is the only reason I am interested in looking into the configs)

so for example, I have added nightvision optics to the M40A3 - I neededto know that this rifle is configged as

class M24;

class M40A3: M24


//mod here


now I also wantto d othis for the following weapons but I cannot access weapons_BAF or weapons_PMC

(I am sure I could before I bought the DLC!!)

can anyone provide the inheritance for the following weapons:








I assume that I'm not doing anything bad here...!


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a) get the all in one config/make a config dump from memory

b) extract the lite pbos in common folder

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