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Array set [_index,_value] problem.

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Ok I have a large global array that has a lot of information stored in it called missionparam.

When I want to access a list of objectives (they're markernames) from the array I do:

_objectives = missionparam select 4;

(this will estract an array within the global array: ["obj213414","obj12321",etc..];

The problem starts when I want to use the set command to remove the first objective from teh local variable like so:

_objectives set [0,1];

_objectives = _objectives - [1];

Also tried this:

_objectives set [0,"remove"];

_objectives = _objectives - ["remove"];

What ends up happening is that the changes are also done to the global variable even though I am editing the local copy of the variable. The global variable being: (missionparam select 4)

has this happened to anyone else and is there an easy explanation? Thanks.

if I take out the objective by doing this:

_objectives = _objectives - [_objective];

It works fine but Id like to know what's going on.

Edited by Rejenorst

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_objects =+ missionarray

will make a copy of it, what you are doing is pointing to the array.

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Awesome thank you very much for the pointer Squ33z3!!!

That explains it. Cheers.

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I never use set personally, inconvenience of having to keep track of the index. Just add to the array with _arr = _arr + _entry;

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set is much faster tho.

And it's really easy if you're just adding values, such as

_temp = objNull;
_myArr set [count _myArr,_temp];

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The main reason I want to use set is just for efficiency and try to keep CPU load down. In any case I may have also used private[""]; inside a bracketed section of code which may have been the problem.

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My local variables are declared as private.

Yeah but you need to change scope for it to be useful.

What I gather, is you defined _objectives as private, and then use _objectives as a pointer to a global variable, right?

I think this would work if you defined _objectives as missionparam select 4 in a scope, and then private that variable inside a smaller scope (called function, control structure, ...), execute your operations on it.

I might be wrong though.

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Ah cheers BlackMamb. I'll need to look into this more carefully as I thought declaring something as private at the start of a script (outside a scope ie: {}) would negate any problems when used in other scopes within the script.

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