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Deactivate tthe shield mission :- Lift Shaft help

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I am on the Deactivate the shield Mission on the Campaign Mode.

I have got to the shield base only to have the door control destroyed.

Okora says "look for a way into the lift shaft". The waypoint marker takes you in the base and out again (no help there). I have looked everywhere for 30 mins more and tried reloading. Searched all round the base but nothing.

Have I missed something or is this a bug?

Could anyone advise please?

---------- Post added at 00:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:16 ----------

Fixed after a reload...

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Yea when you go down the lift shaft, the objective marker changes to "exit the bunker" and then when you go outside, it changes back to "enter the bunker". This drove me out of my mind for a while, I even started wandering around the island for the mysterious other way in. The way through is right there in the hallway where you killed the droids, a cabinet is blocking the other doorway, you have to be on the right hand side of it and all becomes clear.

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