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To: Mr. Melicharek, Regarding: A warm THANK YOU from the Dev team!

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Regarding: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140927-A-warm-THANK-YOU-from-the-Dev-team!&p=2233519#post2233519

Dear Mr. Melicharek, CCGM Dev Team!

Thank you for you thank you! Can and will you know please fix the broken piece of software that was delivered to us?

Especially the totally cluttered islands versus the incapable vehicle AI makes this game very disapointing! A lot of other shortcommings have been posted during the Beta phase and/or here on other parts of the board and internet!

Thanks for considering!

A few sources:







And so on.

Edited by Zothen

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It's no good if you shout at them. Shouting at them just scares them away. You can sometimes coax them with a bit of cheese, coated with piccalilli, but even that is not guaranteed.

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I think there are already enough threads pointing out the quirks and flaws, we don't need another one.


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