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Remapping reserved keys?

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Hey community,

I have a brief question: How can I change the mapping of the F1-F12 keys and the backspace key? Especially the backspace key. Because Id like to add the backspace action (leaving a command menu) to a key on my mouse.

Is that possible? Is there a script that contains your configuration on that? Because I couldn't find any of this.

I hope somebody can help me with that. Especially when you play with mods/addons, there are lots of vehicles for example that have default actions -> So when I fly a jet I hit 'F' to show my actions menu, nothing happens because I just activated the afterburner or stuff like that. The only way of avoiding this is double hitting 'backspace' and hit 'F' again. It is very annoying sometimes as the key isnt really close to my hand. So Id like to have that action on my mouse (got some free keys there).

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Controls are different for infantry vs vehicle vs airplane, so make sure you map your changes to each of the types of controls.

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Actually that doesnt answer my question.

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Reserved keys can't be changed...these keys are reserved.

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I learned that you can change nearly everything if you know where the right script is placed.

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try using something like AutoHotkey and binding backspace key action to your mouse? and make it work only when "arma2oa.exe" is active so it won't conflict with other programs..

hope it helps.

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No thats sounds like it could work. Now I just got to figure out how to do it. AHK looks very complicated to me. Guess I need to watch some tutorials on this.

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