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Torpedo Functionality?

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Before I go and spend 9k of units on a torpedo and waste it out of ignorance of use, how does it work exactly? Does it lock onto the carrier like the missiles do to their targets? Or do you just point it in the direction of the carrier and let it go?

Also how much damage does it do to the carrier?


Edited by Zenn_Ian

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Im just going to recommend you save your game and then use it. Then just reload if something goes wrong. :P Just trust me on this one. :)

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I've used the torpedoes a few times against the carrier. It really is a skill thing. They are dumb fire weapons that go on a straight track which ever way you point them. They have a long range and go fast. At the moment as the enemy carrier is trying to escape I fly a manta directly up behind him then just out of range of AA guns I launch torpedo. I aim for engine pods, but they are hard to hit in this way so just a general hit causes quite a lot of damage.

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Torpedo and a shield with no armor

Go in low and fast from the rear of the enemy carrier. Once you've reached the wake, release and turn around. The carrier should be dead in the water allowing you to peck it off from a distance or make surgical strikes to take out its guns.

If it has flak you may want to take out the two rear turrets before sending in the manta with the torpedo.

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Mantas can fly too low for the rear AA guns to target it, so you can get in really close if you want to.

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A torpedo is similar to a bomb. Best effect is achieved when the carrier has already lost it's engines and can no longer move. You aim the manta directy at the carrier, then drop the torpedo. The torpedo takes about 5 seconds to arm, and then speeds off straight ahead. If the carrier is still there, it deals massive damage.

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