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How to Update @CBA?

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I used to have no problem updating CBA.. I used to just go to armaholic or whatever and grab the latest version, then I would go and replace the @CBA folder in OA and replace it with the new @CBA.. I use steam for arma2, so I would just make sure ;@CBA was in the list of mods to use under the startup parameters...

I tried to use a mod that I updated thu six updater (Invasion 44), the mod updated itself fine, but I keep getting an error that i'm missing a sub file of cba and game crashes.

I checked six updater, or play with six, and there only are options there to update like 6 different mods - ace, i44, unsung heros, and a few others... it's not like six updater was before and you could just scroll down a list, find the mod you want to update, and have it update automatically!

i'm using CBA_086187.7

I can't find any modern version of this... and I think either the current version is broken, or I must have a bunk copy from armaholics...

In either case i get a @CBA error when trying to play a mod that uses CBA and I need to get a proper version I guess...

using combined ops on steam

my startup param in steam looks like this:

-nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=6; -mod=@CBA;@I44


---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

include file x\cba\addons\ui_helper\script_dikCodes.hpp not found

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Hi, Get the latest CBA's here:


you need to run all 3 cbas, so for example for what your running:

-nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=6; -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@I44

Makes no difference if your on steam or not, files are the same, just locate your Arma2 directory,

and throw the latest versions in the main directory, then launch from the target line as seen above.

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