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Reconnaissance 5 [Recruiting]

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Here you are the reconnaissance 5.

This is a squad/clan all about recon tactics, but we do sometimes play different rolls and slaughter our foes.

reconnaissance 5 is for the most patient only for the enemy comes to us, we DON'T go to them. We do not have aby scheduled games currently,because we need to put new players through training.Do not act cocky because you got a kill,this is war son and war doesn't tale too well to cockiness.Just worry about getting the job done, it's not about who got the most kills, it's about who wins the war.


  1. Must be 13+ of age
  2. Must have a working microphone
  3. You must have OA
  4. You must be able to wait for the kill

To join simply fill out an application(PM it to me)

here is an example:

Name(not required):Generic



Weapon Specialty:DMR

Patient Rating(out of ten):8

What can you bring to reconnaissance 5: New tactics and better ways to assassinate the enemy

What can you get out of reconnaissance 5: A fun community with serious players looking for a good time

Once you post an application wait for a response and I hope to be sniping with you soon.

Edited by JKChillz42

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