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Kudos Nateos server admins.

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So, i finally get my friends to buy the game and play it.

We enter the nateos servers, buy our gear and units and when we are about to ride to the front a guy starts killing everyone in the base, destroys vehicles' wheels, kills my ambulance driver, steals it and drives it over me killing me.

I ask for a ban for the guy in the general chat (i think it was a player named Striker but i might be wrong) and instead they ban me.

Good job.

edit: since my friends were still playing i asked them to tell the admins to remove my ban, and aparently they are doing it, still, everytime i try to join it says "you have been kicked from the game: battleye admin ban".

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All servers are privately owned, and server owners/administrators can kick or ban whoever they wish and have whatever rules they wish.

Just have your friends come to another server - there are tons of other Warfare servers.

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That's the sad part, there are very very few populated servers within a playable latency range... (in fact, today only nateos was since for some reason WASP has an average 60-70 more ping than usual) otherwise i would had not even made this thread.

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Like eddieck said, nothing we or BI could do nor does it belong in here. Try to contact server admin.


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