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Mission Failure shouldn't delete savegames - making reverting impossible

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Although I'm not sure how many users have actually experienced this behavior,

I would like to post my experience and a suggestion:

Certain missions (the particular one that triggered this post was ACR 02: Patrol)

include a parameter that automatically end the scenario when certain conditions are met.

In ACR 02 it was the destruction of the Pandur vehicle. The result is a restart witout the

previous savegames.

To me this was extremly frustrating as I spent a good 3 hours on the mission and will

certainly not invest more time in the near future. To avoid this, all I should have done

was revert manually a second before the auto-restart. If I could have known there was

this condition set for an automated restart.

Now, I like the concept of certain factors resulting in automated failure, but erasing

the save points makes it utterly frustrating.

Please change this behavior. The simple "Revert to" selection that shows after being

KIA would be the logical choice.

If I have brought this on myself by a wrong setting in the Difficulty options (or elsewhere),

please enlighten me!

(no mods, CO 1.62.97127)

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I had the same probs on the same mission. Hopefully they will fix it with the multitude of other DLC problems with an ACR patch soon.

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That's a known and acknowledged bug. They used endMission instead of failMission in the fail trigger for that mission. It should be fixed in an upcoming patch.

Personally I got hit with that bug and just used the cheat to open all missions to get to the next one. I hate those "wander the countryside for something to happen" missions.

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