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better pitch and bank script?

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I've been using the standard BIS functions to get the pitch and bank of a plane, but as most know it doesn't return an accurate reading at all, especially when the plane is pitched a lot. Does anyone have a script that returns the correct pitch and bank in degrees?

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Yes above 90deg and it flips, there was an example posted on the forum where it shows a box being rotated accurately in all directions but I can't locate it right now.

I did use it to get a plane to do a loop but there is still a small flicker. The other problem with aircraft is the pilot he still has control and will fight whatever input you give it. To get full control I remove the pilot for a second or two then pop him back which helps but it's not ideal.

Anyway if you do enough searches you might be able to find the script for the box rotation.

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Yes above 90deg and it flips, there was an example posted on the forum where it shows a box being rotated accurately in all directions but I can't locate it right now.

Is this the one you're looking for?

Evil_Echo tensor function

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Yes that was the one I was thinking about but I could never understand how to incorporate it into my missions.

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