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How can i get an object up in the sky ?

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it was something like:

this getpos [(setpos 0),(setpos2) bla bla + 10]

could some one give my the corect sentence???



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this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),7];

btw doesn't work with vehicles



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k but does it work on gamelogic's , caus i need it voor camera targeting.

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do u want to put the camera in the sky or some object?



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the setpos command works for ANY vehicle...

and it works also for vehicles.

( a vehicle is a object like any other ).

send to the script the object to put at 10 meters above the ground.

the time before the next loop of ~0.01 seconds is necessary

( if less the vehicle will go up and down... ).

_object = _this select 0

_objpos = getpos _object


_object setpos [_objpos select 0,_objpos select 1,10]


goto "loop"


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my solution:

this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),7];

doesn't work with armored vehicles, it just works with empty objects like tents, flags....



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setpos works also for armored vehicles just tested it

the only difference between objects and vehicles like armored one (for example M1A1)

is that vehicles do follow the law of GRAVITY

so to put a M1A1 in the air you ll need to do a setpos loop as i wrote before.

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an empty unarmored vehicle do not follow the law of gravity until someone enters the vehicle, and the uses of this command is useful in building large buildings too

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yep and it also don t follow the law of gravity till someone shoot on it.

(if you shoot on a jeep set with setpos in the air, it will make it fall on the ground!! how strange).

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Good thing I stumbled upon this one; I want to place a building in the air, and I always use this init line:

this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), (getpos this select 2)+100]

<<100 being the height I want the building to be at. I know I'm doing something wrong - because the building is never up there! biggrin.gif So, exactly WHAT could I be doing wrong?

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