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How does the support waypoint work?

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I want a AH64 to support an infantry squad!

But if the preset conditions has been accomplished, the AH64 moves to the position where I put the waypoint to - on the player's start-position! But the player already moved to another location.

How do I set the support WP that the AH64 really moves to the new position of the player and even follows the player to give support for a given period?

I assume that the support WP is made for support like rearming, refueling and medical-supply and I am using it for fire-reinforcement. But even though, support-vehicle should move to the actual position of the player! And the AH64 doesnt! Or do the game distinguishes between support-vehicles and other vehicles in regard to the support WP?

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The location of a player has nothing to do with the location of a waypoint. You'd either need to move the waypoint or direct the AI to move to a position in another way.

From http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Waypoints#Support:

A group with a current waypoint of this type will move to the waypoint's position, then wait until it can provide support for another group that requests relevant support using "Call Support" command menu. At this time, the waiting group will proceed to the location where support was called for, disembark from any vehicles is possesses and wait for the supported group to declare "Support Done" before continuing to wait to respond to any further calls for support from their new location. Only groups with a medic, ambulance, fuel, ammo or repair vehicles can respond to support requests. In the case of multiple support groups, the first placed available group will always respond first, irrespective of distance. While this is a powerful waypoint type it requires diligence on the part of any human leaders, as they must announce "Support Done" to allow the AI support group to continue being able to provide support. AI leaders also tend to request that every single appropriate support group attends them. AI will not take a support group's vulnerability into consideration when requesting support.

So Apaches can't support. :)

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Of course the real solution would be the simplest of the CAS support scripts that one can do, BUT if you want something more limited and really easy to setup, depending on the complexity of the mission, you can give the Apache a GUARD waypoint over it's starting position. As soon as you (or anybody) has contact and engage, the apache will fly to that position and engage too. After the contact is over, it will return to it's original position. I've been using GUARD waypoints for everything, since the OFP days (even for scripted CAS support systems and combat generators.)

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That's an interesting idea seba! I certainly will use it sometime.

But in this case, I want the Apache to follow the player along a few miles. Isnt there kinda "FOLLOW" waypoint possible? So one separated unit/group could follow another unit/group without joining it.

In my case it would be the Apache which follows another unit/group.

I think that would be really helpful, so e.g. pursuits missions will be possible.

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Here's a couple of suggestions via scripting...



one catch to the two posted above: These commands (Dofollow or CommandFollow) works only if the two units are in the same group - not tested myself

DoFollowUnit by Hoz This script is useful if you want 1 unit to follow another without having them in the same group. I don't know how well this one will work with ground/air

cB Multiplayer Call Support This one I have tinkered around with and edited to my preferences...Wolfy was going to add support for helo's, which I have done

And just to elaborate on Kylania's post, here's a little more detail of the support waypoint:


Edited by panther42

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AWH! That it is awsome panther ;)

thanks a lot!

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