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Problems with ARMA 2 OA.

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Hey everybody,

I recently purchased ARMA 2 Combined Ops from gamefly.co.uk. I downloaded and installed ARMA 2 and then ARMA 2 OA. ARMA 2 works perfectly, however when i open the ARMA 2 OA client it goes through the tick box section then freezes.


Picture of my current directory and the message i get when opening ARMA 2 OA.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

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I have the same issue (- i.e. Arma2 "has stopped working" in the tick box section, 2 ticks from completion). It always happens when launching the release 1.62 arma2oa.exe (version

It didn't happen before the 1.62 patch. The beta versions work fine, so I use them for launching arma2 since the release of 1.62. This issue is not an isolated user's crash.

This bug is pretty severe and needs fixing (- even though it is possible to work around by launching the beta version instead). I have the non-steam version of Arma2 by the way.

OS: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.

Link to my crash files: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22948126/ArmA%202%20OA.rar

Edited by Treebeard

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Right after updating my Arma2 OA (steam) yesterday, I started having crash to the desktop - for the first time ever. I've been running Arma 2 OA for a year now, no problems until today. And yes, I have restarted my computer.

Note that the crash ONLY happens after I die and am waiting to respawn or get revived (like on Domi).

This is the tail end of my .RPT file:

Mods: expansion
Distribution: 1491
Version 1.62.95248
Fault address:  0096ACD1 01:00569CD1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe
file:     co30_Domination_2_57zOA_West_R_OA (__CUR_MP)
world:    Takistan
Prev. code bytes: 8B 5C 24 0C 56 33 F6 85 DB 7E 2D 57 8B 7C 24 10
Fault code bytes: 8B 0C B7 85 C9 74 1B 8D 41 04 83 CA FF F0 0F C1

EAX:00000F36 EBX:00000F36
ECX:00000000 EDX:FFFFC328
ESI:00000000 EDI:FFFFC328
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Gamer\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.mdmp

my RPT file is over 2.5 megs and goes back pretty far

I have already emailed bistudio with all of my rpt, bidmp and dxdiag files.


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I had same problem for what seemed like forever - that being Beta would load no problem but vanilla would always CTD without an RPT report. I was pretty much resigned but somewhat bummed if the rare notion to play MP hit me :P

That said, I ran Steam integrity check and even uninstalled/reinstalled to the same result until something told me to look for any dll files in my root. I moved them out and voila -it loads no problem! Hopefully I didnt need them :)

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