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Problems with my first addon

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Hello everyone, so I am trying to get the donated MK-1 in to ARMA to see the model in game but it has no animations yet or anything at all aside from the textures made by Topas assigned and placed on the tanks areas. So I finally got ARMA to read it but then it said something about no scope and wouldn’t appear both under the wanted BEF faction or at all.

So then I went on to try to fix something (for the life of me I forget which isn’t helping the overall situation either) and now the tank won’t work at all once more. Keeps giving me this is instead of that type errors. DoD’s original created Wedding tried helping me as much as he could but he couldn’t see the work for himself due to life and so he couldn’t help identify my mistake and as I am sure my work will show I am very new to this.

This is my CONFIG.

#define private					0
#define protected				1
#define public					2

#define true					1
#define false					0

#define TEast					0
#define TWest					1
#define TGuerrila				2
#define TCivilian				3
#define TSideUnknown			4
#define TEnemy					5
#define TFriendly				6
#define TLogic					7

#define CanSeeRadar				1
#define CanSeeEye				2
#define CanSeeOptics			4
#define CanSeeEar				8
#define CanSeeCompass			16
#define CanSeeAll				31
#define CanSeePeripheral		32

class CfgFactionClasses
 class BEF 
 	displayName = "BEF";
 	priority = 100; 
 	side = TWest; 

class CfgPatches 
class Spring_Chicken_BEF
	units[] = {"Spring_Chicken_BEF"};
	requiredVersion[] = {};	
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class cfgVehicleClasses
class BEF
	displayName = "BEF";

class CfgVehicles

 class Spring_Chicken;

 class Spring_Chicken_BEF : Spring_Chicken {
   scope = public;
 	side = TWest;
 	faction = BEF;
 	model = "\Spring Chicken\Models\Spring Chicken";  	 	
 	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo", "Camo1", "Camo2", "Camo3", "Camo3"};  	
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Spring_Chicken_BEF\Textures\Spring_Chicken_BEF\gasienice.paa, skorupa.paa, sponsony.paa, wnetrze_3_3.paa "};

// - - - - - // ArmouredCars // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\armouredCar\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Cars // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\car\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Trucks // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\truck\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Tanks // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\tank\VEHICLE.hpp"
  #include "cfgVehicles\tank\Spring Chicken.hpp"
// - - - - - // Boats // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\boat\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Planes // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\plane\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Helicopters // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\Helicopter\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Static // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\Static\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Men // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\Men\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Backpacks // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\Backpack\VEHICLE.hpp"
// - - - - - // Other // - - - - - //
  // #include "cfgVehicles\Other\VEHICLE.hpp"


And this is the vehicle HPP

Class Spring Chicken : Spring Chicken {
  faction = BEF";

There is also a $PBOPREFIX$


Any help would be much appreciated because I did try my hardest to figure it out on my own but I have hit a massive wall and am really lost at this.



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What is "Spring_Chicken"

For your addon you inherited it via the

class Spring_Chicken; 

parameter ...... but inherited what?

Is it a Tank?

Then you must inherit all the essential base parameters from a BIS Tank first.

Your parameters then simply redefine a few, like faction = BEF;


class M1A1;
class Spring_Chicken_BEF : M1A1 {

Also, your hiddenSelectionsTextures[] will not work because you havent used " (quotes) properly.

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Ah see that makes a lot more sense about the inheritance, I was unaware of this. However as far as the quotes go I am unsure of where I went wrong but I am sure they are why I am still getting arma saying ( File Spring_Chicken\config.cpp, line 34:/CfgVehicles/: 's' encountered instead of '{'

Do I need to use a hexedit program in order to see these lines, because Wedding did mention at some point something about hex editing, not sure if its related to the situation or not. Probably not but I do want to cover all my bases so that's why I am asking.

At least I have the inheritance issue fixed (I hope)

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Hex editing !?

I guess I a) have no idea who you are talking about b) have no idea what addon you are talking about ..... so

Not knowing the context of what you have, no idea.

If you have legitimate material passed to you, there should never be a need to hex edit anything.

Hex editing suggests you don't have access to the source material, or permissions.

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Ah ok thank you for that clarification.

Right as I said the model is a Donated British MK-1 Male tank and it continues to give me this error.

File Spring_Chicken\config.cpp, line 34:/CfgVehicles/: 's' encountered instead of '{'

Noting that for clarification sake and maybe me point this out from the get go would have helped naming it "Spring Chicken" is so we could have historical tanks as their own skins and unit. By what I can see the CfgVehicles is the issue and I think it’s exactly what you pointed out on your original post which is I have incorrectly used the quotes but I am unsure of how I am suppose to place them. Is there a tutorial that someone made on how to make these scripts that I can read by chance? if so it would be super appreciated if I could get pointed towards them, if not then some help understanding what I have done wrong or am doing wrong is also super appreciated because I have tried several different ways of putting quotes and even made sure (to my understanding that is) that the rest of the CfgVehicles area is correct but to no avail.

EDIT: I may have an idea of what I am doing wrong with the quotes, not sure if I have pinpointed my mistakes or not but will try after I come back from work today.

Edited by TankGun

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Suggest you drop the 2 "hiddenSelections" commands until you get the unit in-game. No required at this point.

Then once its working, add them back and fix then.

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Thanks Gnat will do, also I realized ARMA was trying to tell me the problem all along, I managed to fix it and the game does load but now it has an issue opening the P3D but I think I know how to fix it. Thanks for all the help, it was very helpful in understanding my mistakes :D

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