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Get the AI to act more...insurgent like?

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I am a big fan of missions that are set up for realistic objectives like "Patrol Town A". While this is great, I need the AI to act more insurgent like. I place AI down but they just stand still and instead of ambushing me and setting up IEDs, they stand out in the open and ask to be shot. Usually I fix the problem with replacing the AI with humans but sometimes that's not the easiest thing to do. Any suggestions?

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supposed it depends on what your take on "...act more insurgent like" - detail what you are thinking and maybe some help can be thrown your way. For example i have a small script that makes the ai wander round a town, in and out of buildings continuously. Or civillians that wander round until us soldiers approach then they turn into suicide bombers. welcome to them both. But again act more insurgent like - not sure where you are going with this.

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You have to set up the ambushes and IEDs yourself, or use some complex scripting suite like UPSMON.

You know, just stick them in cover with some sort of Hold waypoint and combat mode, then give them some civilian spotters.

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Mikie boy, both of those sound pretty amazing. I would greatly appreciate the script.

Maturin, civilian spotters sounds like something they need as well. How do I do that?

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easiest thing to do is download the [FOCK]ers most wanted from armaholic - link on my name - unpbo them - the patrol scripts are in the games main folder - under function.sqf.

as for the suicide bomber one - search for [Fock] IED thread - its in there - if you cant find it ill dig out the link

Any probs with any of tehse let me know

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Civilian spotters? Just put a civilian in an OPFOR squad (with dragging F2) and place him somewhere with the following init codes: dostop this; this setcaptive true;

He will look like a loitering civilian but feed information back to the armed squad, which can then be induced to open fire from cover at long range.

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