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LENR "Cold Fusion" Pons and Fleischman got it right sort of say NASA MIT Stanford etc

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Hi all

STMicroelectronics is one of the worlds biggest Semiconductor and electronics manufactures and happens to be the largest industrial supplier in the UK, earlier this year they Sold a chunk of Ericsson and of their phone patents to build a war chest to begin working on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. They have now revealed what that war chest was for:


Along with Canadian firm Defkalion due to go public in November and Stanford based Brillouin Energy Corporation, STMicroelectronics have joined the companies openly bringing an LENR system to market. Though several other patents have been filed over the last few months, some are thought to be patent trolls as they have no history of research or experiment in the field. Rossi has gone dark with only hints comming out of the plant in Sweden and a manufacuring base in the US. Toyota and Misubishi are also been keeping quiet. Their are also rumours of Google's involvement with Rossi.

Several major universities are planing Cold Fusion events for February and March.

Meanwhile the open science Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project have also been doing a lot to replicate and expand on various methodologies of testing LENR.

On the matter of an LENR theory: The discovery of strong magnetic fields and direct electrical effects have lead to several competing theories now converging on an electron capture model for LENR.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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lol ST-Ericsson isn't Ericsson.......starting there the rest of that falls apart after just a few facts are checked.

On 11 December 2012, ST-Ericsson was on the brink of shutdown after its parent company STMicroelectronics decided to move out of the JV, citing loss of market share due to ST-Ericsson failing to attain Break-even. Since ST-Ericsson came into being in 2009, STMicroelectronics has slipped from 5 to 7 in global semiconductor firms' rakings.[3]

On 18 March 2013, the parent companies announced that the joint venture was to be closed down, with the parent companies taking over parts, but not all, of its operation and products.[4]

Also you said all this back in January 2013 and was told to:

Roger Bird Says:

January 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm | Reply

“Prove it or shut the f**k up.†And I stand by that.


Misinterpreted the CHP thing:


Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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  Mattar_Tharkari said:
lol ST-Ericsson isn't Ericsson.......starting there the rest of that falls apart after just a few facts are checked.

Also you said all this back in January 2013 and was told to:


Misinterpreted the CHP thing:


Hi all

In reply to Mattar_Tharkari,

On the matter of Erricson:

Erricson merged with an arm of STMicroelectronics, ST-NXP Wireless to form ST-Erricson in early 2009 STMicroelectronics sold its stake in Erricson earlier this year.


On the matter of this quote:

Roger Bird Says:

January 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm | Reply

“Prove it or shut the f**k up.†And I stand by that.

If you had followed the thread rather than just hunting for some one insulting me, you would have seen the full discusion before and later, and the facts Roger was demanding that had already been published elswhere, and on that publication been held in a moderation queue while my facts were checked by the sites editors.

And then you would have seen the following:

Roger Bird Says:

January 9, 2013 at 4:41 pm

walker, I thank you for your kindness after I blew up at you. Please forgive me.

However, have you given us links to the proof of your claims? I could easily have missed it. Iggy, though, did give us links countering your claims. I think that it is a mistake to jump on the wagon of belief in this claim just because we wish it were so. However, I confess that if it is so, this would be extremely powerful social/soft evidence.

I suggest you read the whole thread. Then you will see that Roger Bird found my arguments and evidense pursuasive.

You should also be aware that the evidense I gathered and researched was checked and verified by several publications and has been used by them in articles published in the Oil media.

If I may say the habit of internet stalking me to find quotes of some one insulting me, in order to selectivley quote them seems a little strange.

I should also point out that LENR is a CHP source.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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I think that it is a mistake to jump on the wagon of belief in this claim just because we wish it were so.

He has it correct there - the evidence you say you have is generated in the same way as a conspiracy theory, you take 25% truth and wrap it up in 75% fakery. As for stalking - it's hard not to come across your blurb when searching anything on LENR, you post the same nonsense all over the web. If you didn't have such a long history of doing the same thing I wouldn't be fact checking would I? e.g. Where is the LENR powerstation in the USA you told everyone we could visit this year?

PS this link you posted leads to press releases:


Shows the disolving of joint venture of ST-Ericsson with both parent businesses taking a share of the assets, as I said, no sale there lol.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Hi all

Several other teams have now started the process of replicating the experiment.

The latest news is that Jean-Paul Biberian has already succeeded in independently replicating the experiments results.

While high energy Gama bursts are proof that a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction is taking place, they are in point of fact anti-correlated with the production of heat, the industrial purpose of LENR for energy production. Gamma radiation seems to be a sure sign that the LENR reaction is guttering either at the start or end of ignition, in much the same way that smoke indicates a fire has insufficient oxygen but as with the saying there is no smoke without fire so to there is no Gama with a nuclear reaction. A hot strong fire is smokeless like an acetylene torch by the same token a strong LENR reaction is one without any gammas.

When one of Rossi's reactors went into meltdown during the third party test, there was no gamma production detected but as the video said in the early demo by Rossi intiating the reaction produced a large gamma burst.

Kind Regards walker

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Didn't Rossi assure an inspector from the EPA that he didn't require to be licensed or produce any safety data as his device does not produce any radioactivity? They visited his premises and had a long talk with him about it. No doubt all is above board and legal with the french experiment too? Regulatory authorities take a dim view of unlicenced activities where public safety may be put at risk.

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Hi all

In reply to Mattar_Thakari:

Yes Rossi did assure the EPA inspector there was no radioactive material in his reactors; which is 100% true :D

The business end of the reactor is Nickel and Hydrogen in their natural Isotope levels :D

In order to prove other wise the EPA would have to get scientists to agree that normal Hydrogen and Nickel are radioactive, and as for you Mattar_Thakari you have have been at pains to say there is no Nuclear Reaction or anything going on in LENR, so unless you have changed your mind and would care to eat crow...

As I said Jean-Paul Bibarian repeated the results of the experiment with in 24 hours. Several other labs have announced they are replicating the experiment, unless they have access to Celini wire as Jean-Paul Bibarian did this will take most of those labs several weeks until they have acquired the right materials, then refined and conditioned them then loaded and doped nickel wires or powder with enough hydrogen, unless they can purchase some material from labs that have Celini wires or conditioned powder.


Those that are starting from scratch at least have the MFMP instructions to work from which are very detailed and include videos diagrams as well as descriptions of the experiments and the loading process.

Treating Mattar_Thakari with a little more respect I place this post here as a proper reply to his inquiry:

First up a little physics: What is the difference between gamma rays and x-rays?

Gama is just a high energy Photon same as an X-ray is and in fact they overlap in the lower gamma energy levels the difference is in where they come from. We work with X rays all the time and if you ever used CRT monitor or Vacuum tube TV then that was what you were using.

Gamma rays and x-rays, like visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light, are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. While gamma rays and x-rays pose the same kind of hazard, they differ in their origin. Gamma rays originate in the nucleus. X-rays originate in the electron fields surrounding the nucleus or are machine-produced.


On the mattar of Gamma production in LENR as I pointed out, it is a sign that the LENR reaction is not optimized for heat.

I refer you to this post in the Vortex archive by Bob Hoskins explaining to the Journalist Mark Gibbs why an LENR that produces Gamma radiation while proof of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions is not an LENR optimized for energy production:

...To answer Mark's question, I believe that if you had a gamma sensor inside

the reactor, you would see gamma every time you see LENR (Bob's opinion).

What would change is the spectrum of the gamma. When the LENR starts or

runs un-optimized, the photon energy is higher - perhaps in the 50 keV to

200 keV range. At this energy, the photons will statistically penetrate

most reactor housings and would be detectable. Then when the reaction

becomes optimized for heat output, the gamma spectrum shifts to much lower

energy photons - in the 5 keV to 25 keV range. Photons in this range would

be absorbed in the nickel powder and the stainless reactor vessel and would

be turned into heat; and, some, probably only a few, would make it out

statistically for detection as a low rate gamma in a sensitive detector.

If you had the reactor vessel and the gamma scintillator detector (NaI)

surrounded by lead to block the environmental radiation, you might be able

to see some of this low energy gamma leak if you have a thin wall reactor

vessel. This is what I am setting up now. Then I will be able to

correlate the radiation peaks to events such as gas loading and thermal


The magnetic field has only been reported AFAIK by Defkalion. Their

reactor is stimulated differently than anyone else's and it could be the HV

plasma pulses they setup that provide a magnetic field alignment and result

in a big field. It is a fascinating phenomenon, that if it pans out, could

provide a means for direct LENR to electrical conversion. I look forward

to hearing more about this. I have some experiments regarding this planned

as well. I can't say if the MFMP people are monitoring for magnetic

fields, but I am sure some them are seeing your question.

I would like to make sure that you are clear on the terms gamma and X-ray.

Gamma rays are defined as photons being generated from a nucleus. Gamma

ray photons usually have a really high energy, but not always. X-rays are

also photons, usually generated by inner shell electrons of an atom. X-ray

photons normally have an energy range from a few keV (just above EUV) to

about 100keV. Gamma photons can be as high as 10's of MeV, and are

infrequently seen below 25keV. But just to be clear, gamma and X-ray

photons at the same energy level are the same thing - photons. Gamma just

refers to the provenance of having come from a nucleus...


As always follow th link to the article in full

IMHO opinion I think Gamma Burst is

From various sources it appears the reason Rossi has taken so long is that he has been optimizing the ignition process to remove Gamma and got it fixed with the so called mouse-cat he was so proud of six months ago apparently it is now a cascade process, I suspect from this discovery that Rossi is using loose packed low pressure igniter the Mouse which he already let slip is bigger than the main reactor and tight packed higher pressure burners of the hot Cat.

The pressure shock seems to be a key igniting factor and its gradation seems to be the optimizing factor of an LENR for heat rather than high energy Gamma.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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  walker said:
Rossi did assure the inspector there was no radioactive material in his reactors; which is 100% true

You left out the part where he told the inspector that only low energy photons were produced inside the device? If you have something that produces ionizing radiation you still need to have certification, it doesn't matter if the original components and materials are non-radioactive. Odd isn't it that he previously reported that gamma radiation in the 511 KeV range was produced and that he had manufacturing facilities in Florida and New Hampshire. Why did he tell the inspector the opposite of what was published on the E-cat blog, was he lying to an official? These contradictions are very mysterious but I do admire your enthusiasm.

PS I have an open mind on LENR, if someone makes it a success, good luck to them. I have never stated anything else. I'm just concerned that in 12 months all the talk of LENR factories, customers, scientific breakthroughs, LENR power plants (you told us we could go and look at one?), colapse of the oil and nuclear markets etc. have not really resulted in anything concrete or real have they? So far all those involved in LENR have required large amounts of cash, but have produced nothing marketable or anything that has aroused much scientific interest. The wild claims and half-truths are starting to get a little dull.


I spoke to Dr Rossi concerning the construction and operation of his E-cat device. He stated the active ingredients are powdered nickel and a tablet containing a compound which releases hydrogen gas during the process. The output thermal energy is six times the electrical energy input. He acknowledged that no nuclear reactions occur during the process and that only low energy photons in the energy range 50-100 keV occur within the device. There are no radiation readings above background when the device is in operation. Since the device is not a reactor, the NRC does not have jurisdiction. Since there is no radioactive materials used in the construction and no radioactive waste is generated by it, the State of Florida, Bureau of Radiation Control has no jurisdiction. Currently, all production, distribution and use of these devices is overseas. Dr Rossi has arranged to meet with Underwriter Laboratories (UL) to seek approval for manufacturing in the United States. I thanked Dr Rossi for his time meeting with me.
Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Hi all

In reply to Mattar_Thakari saying Rossi is asking for money on his website: Where? Prove it!

Rossi has never asked the public for money or elicited payments via his website, quite the reverse he put his own fortune into his work, unlike Mattar_Thakari's favourite website of mr crevice which demands money to read the full details of every, out of date, FUD story it posts, only a fool would pay for such things.

In Reply to Mattar_Thakari's "wild claims and half-truths"

Strange all these big companies are according to Mattar_Thakari making "wild claims and half-truths"


Google Translation to "English" here:


And so Mattar_Thakari has started to admit he was wrong on LENR; how does that crow taste Mattar_Thakari? :D

Kind Regards walker

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I first joined this thread on the 20th March last year, the part in bold is and always has been my position. attributing things to people that they did not say is very dishonest, but I'm no longer surprised at that kind of behaviour around here.

Not really heard about this and was very excited when I read it just now - what a waste of time. Bottom line is: there is no "ground breaking announcement".

-NASA hasn't completed research and is still investigating if LENR has any usefull practical application.

-The oil companies and investors are selling long term futures in oil for a variety of reasons most of which have nothing to do with LENR (electric cars, manipulating markets for profit, US Govt. policy to move away from oil, BP requiring funds to pay fines etc).

-Obama's Executive Order (40-50 issued per year-rare?) has nothing to do with LENR - it's suggests existing power stations should use their waste hot water to heat homes/businesses rather than just dumping the heat into the atmosphere through cooling towers. Or, existing large boilers producing heat should be converted to produce electricity too.

"Instead of burning fuel in an on site boiler to produce thermal energy and also purchasing electricity from the grid, a manufacturing facility can use a CHP system to provide both types of energy in one energy efficient step."

-The EU issued a similar directive in 2004 which predates the LENR acronym, the US is just playing catch up on energy efficiency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHP_Directive

Please don't waste your time on this like I did. According to level headed bloggers - much of the current media noise about LENR is generated by green activists who seem to have a semi-religious belief in 'free energy' / using it as leverage against their industrial monsters. If NASA ever find anything useful, I would celebrate it, until then.....

NASA found a possible use for transmuting nuclear waste and submitted a patent, nothing significant on the energy front yet.

Rossi - "company is now property of a trust of investors", no doubt he fought the unwanted investment all the way until they forcibly invested lol.......(who knows what's actually true)


He doesn't exactly ask for money directly, that would be a bit obvious, instead he asks people to buy commercial licenses and to pre-order the E-Cat. Deliveries were supposed to start last Autumn?

We give exclusive commercial licenses for limited territories. When the interested persons ask to us a commercial license to sell the E-Cats we make an offer. The price of the license depends on many factors, regarding the Territory. If the interested persons agree upon the text that we propose, we send a text of an agreement, which is obviously covered by NDA. The uncorrect persons do not respect the NDA and our attorneys take care of them. After the interested persons sign the agreement, we send an invoice, and the agreement is deemed valid only after the payment of the license fee is done within the term agreed. If the payment is not done, the agreement expires and that invoice for which the payment has not been made is compensated in the accounting by a credit memo.
In Autumn we will surely send the detailed offers to all the “horde†of pre-orderers.

The deliveries will start hopefully within the next winter, surely within 18 months .


Even E-Cat news have parted company:

August 6, 2013

To anyone wondering why I only post ‘significant’ developments regarding the eCat, please note that at this point, I consider the eCat/Hyperion arena a giant waste of time. I admit to being baffled and cling to fading hope that the 7 scientists involved in the HotCat test have not been duped or worse. I sincerely hope that my radar is broken – the world needs a miracle more than I need to be right. Despite the best efforts of our hardest sceptics, there is still a slim chance that Rossi’s bizarre behaviour is symptomatic of a lone genius riding a tiger. Unfortunately, apart from that one report, almost every other ‘fact’ supports the tentative conclusion that he is mentally ill or a fraud.


Well birds of a feather flock together, that's all I can say about that. Let me know if anything concrete on LENR shows up.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Hi all

Oil Field Divestment continues apace:


Meanwhile large companies are making preparations to go off Grid:



And the bet against the price of Oil just keeps getting bigger even the day traders started noticing last July:


Since then the commitment of traders (COT) report reveals a massive increase in shorting of oil stocks and many are expecting the price to plunge in 2014, with a massive exit from the crude oil market since the last COT.



Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

Things seem to be hotting up in the LENR race to market.

The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP) are reporting multiple scientists and labs have repeated the experimental results MFMP anounced and have recieved considerable help and funding from external sources to enable them to improve their experiment:


Defkalion are promissing to go public on the Canadian Stock exchange over the next few months


Mean while Brillouin Energy and SRI have already recieved $3 Million and due to recieve a further $20 Million from Wall Street investors:

Following Rossi’s E-Cat, Another Cold Fusion Device Attracts Commercial Interest

Brillouin Energy has entered into its first international licensing agreement covering three nations. The firm is involved in on-going negotiations for other potential international partners. This makes the second Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction (LANR) and Brillouin’s Controlled Electron Capture Reaction (CECR) idea to attract commercial interest. The other being the Rossi led effort.

For a first person view of the news pull the YouTube up to 30 minutes and listen to the Robert Godes and Robert George interview.

Brillouin’s CECR starts by introducing hydrogen into a suitable piece of nickel (or other metal with the correct internal geometry). A proprietary electronic pulse generator then creates stress points in the metal where the applied energy is focused into very small spaces. This concentrated energy allows some of the protons in the hydrogen to capture an electron, and thus become a neutron. This step converts a small amount of energy into mass in the neutron...


As always follow the link to the Original Article in full

Earlier this year in an interview Brillion execs let slip that Google had visited their labs...


On the Rossi front Leonardo Corp's partner a veritable "Aicraft Carrier" of a company according to Rossi remains under NDA blackout interesting that the NDA is so effective that not one of the over a hundred people in the know, about who the partner is, not even the scientists who were there for the tests; has let slip a word on who the partner company is. Damn must be a big company able to employ very frightening lawyers...

I suppose when Rossi and his big partner company shows off the working E-Cat to the US public it will be done with a great fanfare in some exhibition space or factory some where...

I wonder where because it would have to be secure for the dignataries to visit, perhaps a Navy base or some such.

I wonder if anything can be gathered from looking at the pictures of Rossi's plant heading off to the US? ;)

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
errant of

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  walker said:
Hi all

What the oil industry press are talking about:

Er no - read the bottom line:

By. Frank Acland

Frank Acland is publisher and editor of E-Cat World

It's an LENR promoter posting a contribution (first and only) without editorial control.

In no way is the information contained on OilPrice.com to be considered factual or complete.

Many of these sites (including forbes.com) allow contributions without fact checking or editorial analysis or control. Just because "it is written" doesn't mean anything.

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  Mattar_Tharkari said:

Many of these sites (including forbes.com) allow contributions without fact checking or editorial analysis or control. Just because "it is written" doesn't mean anything.

And that, Sir, is ultimately true. I know a case of someone close to me who actually paid for an article in that he was stated to be the "national leading expert" in a magazine as part of promoting his martial arts school he just opened.

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  walker said:
anounced funding for LENR.

All I see is that if anyone is doing LENR research, they would now qualify to APPLY for funding. Not that any LENR project is actually funded.

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idk but by now it feels like somebody needs to go in, take Rossi's E-Cat and take it apart. Only way to find out wether his thing works is if the exact means of energy production in that is made public. His secrecy is kind of hair raisingly annoying. This is as if the original developers of the nuclear powerplant had kept all information about how such a powerplant works under wraps and sold finished plants for massive amounts of money while prohibiting the users to take a look inside, or if they are looking inside to make as much as a peep about it.

Sorry, still not buying this. The interest in LENR is not because it is really promising anything concrete, but because deep down we are desperate for a solution to the energy problem. Especially considering that the global climate change has slid so far that it's beyond stoppable now, and in dire need of massive damage control measures. Interest by the press in a subject does NOT have to do anything with a scientific hypothesis's veracity.

If that were true, single-nucleotide polymorphism is nonexistent because the mainstream press is not publishing roaring articles about how this affects mankind's prospects of defeating genetic diseases regarding individual alleles. LENR is making "headlines" because it is flashy and sciency, and because the background is so poorly understood that anybody with a labcoat and enough money to fund a campaign can convince corporate types desperate for expanding their energy portfolio to buy into it.

Unless they put up clearly and concisely how this works, and have independent experimenters take the E-Cat (in this example) apart, put it together again on their own and run it to replicate their own numbers, this is a non field.

This is not against the basic, frontline research. What I object to is this ill-informed Idea that somebody is on to something big, without having any Idea how this big thing he has works.

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Hi all

There have been several important developments in the LENR field over the past month, I may go into detail later.

One thing that you should be aware of is the continuing research at NASA contained in this abstract:


Knd Regards Walker

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NARI has nothing to do with LENR research. They work on aeronautics. Whatever they will find will not make LENR any less theoretical or more credible. Aeronautics =/= Nuclear Physics.

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@instagoat - NASA is actually investigating LENR but haven't found anything usefull for energy production.

I'm awaiting the oil market crash he predicted for 2014 when LENR devices are available to buy. As it's now 2014 can we have a prediction of Q1,Q2,Q3 or Q4?

  walker said:
Hi all

Oil Field Divestment continues apace:

Since then the commitment of traders (COT) report reveals a massive increase in shorting of oil stocks and many are expecting the price to plunge in 2014, with a massive exit from the crude oil market


Kind Regards walker

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Hi all

Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology

PR Newswire

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014

-Company focused on making the technology widely available-

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Industrial Heat, LLC announced today that it has acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi's Italian low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology, the Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat). A primary goal of the company is to make the technology widely available, because of its potential impact on air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and biomass.

"The world needs a new, clean and efficient energy source. Such a technology would raise the standard of living in developing countries and reduce the environmental impact of producing energy," said JT Vaughn speaking on behalf of Industrial Heat (IH).

Mr. Vaughn confirmed IH acquired the intellectual property and licensing rights to Rossi's LENR device after an independent committee of European scientists conducted two multi-day tests at Rossi's facilities in Italy.

The published report by the European committee concluded, "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources" [referring to energy output per unit of mass]. The report is available online at http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3913. In addition, performance validation tests were conducted in the presence of IH personnel and certified by an independent expert...


As usual follow the link to read the original article in full.

A short while ago the Chinese President, along with Tom Darden Chairman of Industrial Heat, who co-founded and is the CEO of Cherokee Investment Partners, a series of investment funds with links to Old East Coast Money, GE, Siemens, and Google among others, laid the foundation stone for an Industrial Heat factory that will be building Nickel Hydrogen generators in China.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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  walker said:

A short while ago the Chinese President, along with Tom Darden Chairman of Industrial Heat, who co-founded and is the CEO of Cherokee Investment Partners, a series of investment funds with links to Old East Coast Money, GE, Siemens, and Google among others, laid the foundation stone for an Industrial Heat factory that will be building Nickel Hydrogen generators in China.

Kind Regards walker


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