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Made a mission to utilize ace mod, Self interaction menu broke in mission

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Hello everyone! I am having an issue with a mission I crated to utilizing Ace Mod, like some others I have made. However this time, the ACE Self Interaction menu simply does not work and myself and some of my ArmA Guru buddies are completely stumped. The Mission requires "ace, acex, acex_ru, acex_usnavy, acre" and is on the "clafghan" map. I have no idea what caused the Ace self interaction menu to break and if anyone might have any ideas I would love to hear them. I was hoping to use this mission for a squad night between reddit.com/r/hoggit and /r/projectawesome soon as we greatly enjoy pwning the AI nubs.

Mission here

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Make sure you run ACEClippi from the clippi folder under @ACE, check Manual Settings and choose your player name. That's required to use the Self Interaction button with ACE. And now... lock! *poof*!

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Thank you for your reply Kylania. I will make sure Ace clippi is running. I for sure have set it up and have played many a missions before this issue. However there also is the issue of where we test out a mission we know works (the self interaction menu), but then we load this one without closing the game it is broken! also I have sent this mission to others, and it breaks on them as well....

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Can you post the mission I read maybe?

Edited by kylania

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Don't have ACE handy at the moment, but I notice you have ace_sys_interaction as a required addOn, but I'm not seeing that in other ACE missions I have. Is this some module you added perhaps?

Also see this, maybe this is some of the problems? https://dev-heaven.net/issues/7552

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Thanks, I will remove that ace_sys_interaction, I have no idea how that got in there. About the bug report, similar, however i have not changed the keys that the self interaction menu uses.... I will look into it more....

more about the "ace_sys_interaction" a friend of mine just tried to take it out (bless his heart as I am at work) and when he saved it, it was added again? LOL this issue is going to cause me to go insane I fear. :)

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I've had problems with Ace_Interaction bugging out on me too... its just random AFAIC

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Probably not random :)

I can't' unpack PBO's atm, could you upload your mission unpacked?

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Ah HAH! Kylania! Thank you for the lead on the "ace_sys_interaction" my friend graciously, tested taking that line out and trying it. It did not work when he loaded back into the editor, for it would put the line back in.... But when he exited, took the line of code out, then PBO'd it strait away, and then loaded the PBO.... it WORKED! So quite an interesting issue..... from now on when i edit things, the final copy will have to have that line of code taken out before I PBO it i guess... thanks for the help everyone! I will still be investigating as to why the "ace_sys_interaction" bug happened in the first place, but at least the mission is working now. :)

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