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Have ambient units proform animations, unless under attack.

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In line with my previous post, I also need a way to have ambient units (that I placed) preform various animations in an infinite loop (At my base, although I realize saying that won't help finding a solution :) ). But I also need a way to create a clause where they can break out of that loop, to defend the base, when it is under attack, and return to their animations after the attack is over.

Notes: By defend, I really just mean stop doing their animations, and stand up, ready to shoot if they see an enemy.

I only what them to return to their animations, if they are medic fit - If not, they lie on the ground as normal, until a medic comes and helps them. :)

Thanks again.

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I have not done this, but what about having the loop check the animated unit's combat mode? If the combat mode is "SAFE", then you should be able to detect them being attacked by monitoring the combat mode change. Just a thought...

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Well, That scared me off - I got right down to getting the flow chart drawn up, then saw what came next..... Thanks anyway.

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