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Advanced editor modules

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Hey columdrum,

Nice man.. i like to use the town construction a lot to flesh out maps like Hazar-Kot Valley etc, one cool thing i noticed when using your addon was when i set the destroy ratio to something like 0.3 and preview the town is covered in smoke mist from the destroyed buildings, it creates an awesome battle atmosphere that unfortunately doesn't last, i guess there is no way to be able to manage this as in time smoke hangs around and strength?

Anyway nice work again :)

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hey :)

Ive been using this for quite some time now. good mod! I was wondering: is this client side only?


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hey :)

Ive been using this for quite some time now. good mod! I was wondering: is this client side only?


Its editor only side :P. I mean you only need it while editing once done, you dont need to have it nor in server nor in the client ^^

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Since the idea got implemented on A3(dunno if it was because of my suggestion or just because it was planed) i decided to discontinue this addon, if anyone whats to keep improving it for A2/A3, feel free to do so, after all, it have always been just a proof of concept of what i would like to see on arma3 :)

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