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Visitor 3: Background image trouble

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Hi Guys,

New to Visitor 3 and have been following ZeroG's map making tutorial.

Everything is going fine, I have imported my .XYZ file into visitor 3 and downloaded my images using 'Universal Map Downloader'.

However I seem to have hit a problem. I am trying to put my background image over the top of the map so I can get on with Mask placement etc. When I load up my background image, however, all I am getting is a lot of white cross hatching across the screen. I have ensured that 'background images' are set to display and I have also played around with various pixel resolutions for the background image as well as various placements of the file within my arma work and p: directory.

This has had me pulling my hair out for a few days now and I would appreciate it if someone could help me to get it to display. I have googled and searched the different forums available and have only found a few threads discussing this problem however none of them have allowed me to get it working

Cheers for your time guys.

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UPDATE: I have no idea how but it's now working. I had to resize the image 3 times... Must have just been something glitchy in my photoshop or visitor...

All I can say for anyone else who is having the same problem is just keep making sure and resizing the image to that of the visitor 3 island until it works.

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In addition make sure background Image is in same folder as the .pew , if not then it wont load .

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