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Count markers on map

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hi. I am trying to make a script automatically sets up a marker where a certain group logic is placed. but i read that each marker needs a unique name.

i found something very useful for making unique names.


so i reckon if i can count all markers on map, then name the newest marker something like marker+(totalmarkers+1) each would be guaranteed uniue.

my question is....... How do i count all the markers on the map?

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There is no command to count all markers. But you can just use a variable instead:

in the init.sqf set this:

total_markers = 0;

now in our marker creation script:

Marker_index = total_markers;

_marker_name = format["Marker_%1",Marker_index];

_marker = createMarker [_marker_name, _markerpos];

///  Set all your other marker properties here...

total_markers = total_markers + 1;

Now each time you run it it will update the marker_index and provide each marker a new name.

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awesome. works perfectly! thank you very much.

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