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COOP Sandbox mission like Armory

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Is there a mission like Armory but with ALL the vehicles and weapons?

I like the Armory but there aren't many vehicles, can I add vehicles via editor or something?

Also, how would I add mods to the Armory?

Thank you

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Using the armory you can access all weapons and vehicles through the appropriate menu system, even custom content you've downloaded.

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Using the armory you can access all weapons and vehicles through the appropriate menu system, even custom content you've downloaded.

I think he ment like all helicopters, planes, tanks and cars lined up. Ready to be tested. Like the armory in singleplayer menu (not the coop missions). I would also like a mission like this, where I can freeroam in any veichle i want to.

If you know what I mean? I requested one here : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?111114-User-mission-requests!&p=2205223&viewfull=1#post2205223

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You do know that you could MAKE a mission that does just that. Go into the editor and fire something up!

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the problem is that I cant respawn. I have been trying to get the respawn script to work all day now. If I only could find a editable coop mission, where spawn already are good, THEN i could make one.

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For mission requests we have a very nice User mission requests sticky thread, use it!

- User mission requests!


Please search before posting, that includes checking the stickies.

@ Saetheer

Do not crosspost!

You found the sticky, no need to post in other threads as well drawing attention to your post.

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