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hello ArmA people. first sorry if there was a thread like that and i opened a wrong topic.

I want to use BM-21 grad and fire on my chosen target. is there any way to use bm-21 grad click on map and fire ? i'm new at scripting and editing and im totally stupid about this.

sorry for my language and my English.

I want to learn more about how to use artillery in ARMA but first i want to use BM-21.

I couldn't find good tutorials or suggestions. please help me : )

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Assuming you have vanilla Arma 2 OA or Combined Ops, go into the action menu, select 'Artillery Computer', make sure the target is in range and select the 'Fire' option. If you're not the gunner in it, it gets a little trickier. I'll dig around for the code, if nobody else posts it first.

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How is that not helping you? You asked how to use the BM-Grad to shoot things by clicking and he told you how to shoot things by clicking.

Or did you want to know how to click on the map and have a BM-Grad somewhere else shoot what you clicked on?

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I know some videos from the Armaholic newbie mission editing FAQ. I'm looking through them right now, cause I remember some videos about it.

How about

? Edited by OnlyRazor

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There's a

at the end of the Artillery Module that explains step by step how to do it (using MRLS, but it's all the same).

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There's a
at the end of the Artillery Module that explains step by step how to do it (using MRLS, but it's all the same).

thanks. I learned everything from this vid. but i still have a little problem. is it possible to fire grad all rocket. single unit fires only 4-5.

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The SOM module only has these types of fire missions"

The Secop manager or (SOM) is currently the simplest way to take advantage of the artillery system. To use this, you must have a Secop Manager gamelogic synced to the player. If you want to use SOM with a real artillery battery, you must have constructed a battery using either real or virtual artillery.

To add the artillery barrage to the list of Secop requests, you need to decide which ones should be available. As of the time of this writing, there are 9 fire mission templates loaded into the Secop manager which are available as Secop fire missions:

  1. Immediate suppression, high explosive - Fire 10 rounds as fast as the battery can.
  2. Immediate smoke - Fire 6 smoke shells.
  3. Immediate suppression, Willie Pete - Same as Immediate HE, but with WP.
  4. Illumination mission - One flare munition every 10 seconds for 3 minutes.
  5. LASER - Fire two laser guided HE shells.
  6. SADARM – Stagger three SADARMs ten seconds apart.
  7. HE Fire For Effect - Bombard with continuous HE for one minute.
  8. WP Fire For Effect – Bombard with continuous WP for one minute.
  9. Adjust fire - Fire two HE rounds at the target.

If you want more or different fire missions you will have to script it.

Here is a stand alone Grad arty script, with an example mission. (not using the SOM).


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