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Rough Knight

Dialogue\Display problem...Display as background object ?

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Hi guys,

Hopefully there is no bis_fnc_stopwatch or something because I have spent too much time on this problem :eek:

I am trying to make a stopwatch that appears as a non-interactive object on the players screen [ ie they keep playing while the display is active] and this is what I have so far.

* Stopwatch .paa file which pops up on screen when I call the dialogue.

* Working counter in seconds on the display. Further scripting will be added later to add hours, minutes, seconds and hundreds of seconds.

The problem I have is whenever I call the script the stopwatch pops up fine, but so does the mouse icon so I can not keep playing until I close the dialogue ie it is more an interactive control than a display?

I have enableSimulation = true; which lets the game carry on while the display is up...but still the mouse icon is active to my player can not move until I close the display.


#define CT_STATIC 0
#define ST_PICTURE 48

#define ST_LEFT 0
#define ST_FRAME 64

#define RACE_TIME 10100

class RscText
       type = CT_STATIC;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_LEFT;
       h = 0.04;
       colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       colorText[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1};
       font = "Bitstream";
       sizeEx = 0.1;

class RscPicture
       type = CT_STATIC;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_PICTURE;
       colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
       font = "Bitstream";
       sizeEx = 0.04;

class dialoguestopwatch
 idd = fro_stopwatch;
 movingEnable = false;
 enableSimulation = true;

 controlsBackground[] = {ST_BACKGROUND};
 class ST_BACKGROUND : RscPicture
    colorBackground[] = {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0};
    text = "fro_timer\stopwatch.paa";
 moving = true;
    sizeEx = 0.015;
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    w = 0.22;
    h = 0.215;

 objects[] = { };
 controls[] = {FRO_TIMER};

 class FRO_TIMER : RscText
 	idc = RACE_TIME;
 	x = 0.09;
 	y = 0.08;
 	w = 0.2;
 	h = 0.04;
   font = "Bitstream";
   sizeEx = 0.05;
text = "";

Then my calling script [only total time in seconds ATM]:

private ["_n", "_time1", "_time2"];

RACE_TIME = 10100;

n = 2;
_n = 0;

_ok = createDialog "dialoguestopwatch";
if (!_ok) then {hint "Problem creating stopwatch!"};

_time1	= time;
_time2	= 0;

while {true} do         //controls to be added later
  if (true) then        //controls to be added later
         _time2 = time - _time1;
        _n = round (_time2 * (10 ^ n)) / (10 ^ n);    //time rounded to two decimal points.
        ctrlSetText [RACE_TIME, format["%1", _n]];

        sleep 0.033;	
sleep 0.1;

I am hoping there is a dialogue control that allows for a non-interactive display. Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this? Is this the diference between createDialogue and createDisplay?

I hope I haven't been barking up the wrong tree. Thanks heaps.

Rough Knight

Edited by Rough Knight

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Thanks guys,

I got it working using the cutRsc method. Thanks heaps both of you.

I didn't quite follow that example Carlos, it was a little over my head but I will go back and experiment once I have perfected a few more things.

I am glad for the example because I saw this::D

5 cutRsc ["DEFAULT","PLAIN"]; //Removes it as a display

I couldn't work out how to kill the display until I saw that. :yay:


ROugh Knight

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You should use "" (empty string) instead of "DEFAULT". Pretty sure the latter will produce an error in RPT (Resource not found).

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This should help you with the time script as well. I dont remember where I got this from but it was a real old time script, I edited it slightly for my needs. Should work for you as well.

while {true} do {
   _seconds = time;

   _hours = floor(_seconds / 3600);
   _seconds = _seconds - (_hours * 3600);
   _tensOfMinutes = floor(_seconds / 600);
   _seconds = _seconds - (_tensOfMinutes * 600);
   _minutes = floor(_seconds / 60);
   _seconds = _seconds - (_minutes * 60);
   _tensOfSeconds = floor(_seconds / 10);
   _wholeSeconds = floor(_seconds - (_tensOfSeconds * 10));
   _elapsed ="";

   _elapsed = format ["%1:%2%3:%4%5", _hours, _tensOfMinutes, _minutes,_tensOfSeconds, _wholeSeconds];

   ctrlSetText [1072, _elapsed];

   sleep 1;


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