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Insurgency Code Compaction/Vehicle Spawn Help

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I'm getting an error similiar to this https://dev-heaven.net/issues/28553

When I spawn its as if all of the vehicles are on a spawn loop, and it makes alot of lag and explosions are everywhere. They eventually stop spawning, but theres exploded choppers everywhere. I wanna use this map -->http://www.mediafire.com/?4evegcxif0jql2d with AAW Soldier Models.


Code With the Problem:     westVehicleChecker = {
   private ["_vcl","_pos","_range","_driver","_plrs","_str"];

   if (!alive MHQ && startLocation == MHQ) exitWith {
       _vcl = createVehicle [MHQTYPE, spawnPos, [], 0, "None"]; 
       _vcl setVehicleInit format["this setVehicleVarName ""%1""; %1 = this;", "MHQ"];
       HQ setDir (getDir vehicleServicePoint + 90);
       _pos = vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [10,0,0];
       _pos set [2,0];
       HQ setPosATL _pos;

   if (startLocation != HQ) exitWith {};

   _pos = startLocation modelToWorld [3,20,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (helipad modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       helipad setPosATL _pos;
       helipad setDir (getDir startLocation - 90);

   _pos = startLocation modelToWorld [0,-10,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       vehicleServicePoint setPosATL _pos;
       vehicleServicePoint setDir (getDir startLocation - 90);
       vehicleServicePoint setCaptive true;

   _pos = vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [-8,0,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (repairarea modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       repairarea setPosATL _pos;
       repairarea setDir (getDir vehicleServicePoint);

   _pos = startLocation modelToWorld [-3,-8,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (baseflag modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       baseflag setPosATL _pos;
       baseflag setDir (getDir startLocation);

   _pos = startLocation modelToWorld [8,0,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (HQ modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       fieldHospital setPosATL _pos;
       fieldHospital setDir (getDir startLocation);
       fieldHospital setCaptive true;

   _pos = vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [0,4,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   if (getMarkerPos "USFLAG" distance (stuffbox modelToWorld [0,0,0]) > 50) then {
       stuffbox setPosATL _pos;
       stuffbox setDir (getDir vehicleServicePoint - 180);

   for "_i" from 0 to (count westVehicleStrings - 1) do {
       _str = westVehicleStrings select _i;
       // isNil _str check if the vehicle is undefined
       // note that, _str does NOT get wrapped in quotes because _str contains the vehicle name
       // and we are checking for the presence of the vehicle, I assume _str whill always be a valid string
       if (isNil _str) then {
           _i call resetWestVehicle;
       } else {
           _vcl = call compile _str;
           // _vcl should not be NIL here .... due to ( isNil _str) protecting us
           // but it could be anything, so ... check its an object
           if (typeName _vcl=="OBJECT") then {
               if ( isNull _vcl) then {
                   _i call resetWestVehicle;
               } else {
                   call checkVehiclesNearbyCampObjs;
                   if (!alive _vcl) then { 
                       _i call resetWestVehicle;
                   } else {
                       scopeName "main";
                       _range = 400;
                       if (typeOf _vcl == ATVTYPE) then { 
                           _range = 100; 
                       if (typeOf _vcl == HELITYPE && heliRC == 1) exitWith { breakTo "main"; };
                       _plrs = nearestPlayers(getPosATL _vcl,SPAWNRANGE,false,"array");
                       if (alive _vcl && !arrCanSee(_plrs,_vcl,45,_range) && _vcl distance startLocation > 100) then {
                           _driver = driver _vcl;
                           _gunner = gunner _vcl;
                           if (!isNull _driver || !isNull _gunner) then { 
                               if (alive _driver || alive _gunner) exitWith { 
                                   breakTo "main"; 
                           { moveOut _x; } forEach (crew _vcl);
                           _i call resetWestVehicle;
       sleep 0.01;

// returns one specific vehicle or re-creates it at the start position
resetWestVehicle = {
   private ["_vcl","_str","_objs","_type","_bool","_pos","_dir","_id","_i","_vclKilledTime","_vclTimeDiff"];
   _i = _this;
   _str = westVehicleStrings select _i;
   if (_i > 11 || _i == -1) exitWith { }; //only return listed vehicles, but not MHQ
       _id  = _i % 6;
       _pos = baseflag modelToWorld [-9,-10+_id*8,0];
       _dir = getDir baseflag - 90;
       _type       = if (_id % 2 == 1) then { CAR1TYPE } else { CAR2TYPE };
   if (_i >= 6) then {
       _id = _id + 1;
       _type = ATVTYPE;
       _pos  = baseflag modelToWorld [-9,-14+_id*8,0];
   if (_i == 11) then {
       _type = HELITYPE;
       _pos  = getPosATL helipad;
       _dir  = getDir helipad; 
       if (_pos distance startLocation > 100) exitWith {}; //avoid racing condition, where helipad is still at spawnPos
   _pos set [2,0];

   _bool = isNil _str;
   _vcl = call compile _str;
   if !_bool then { _bool = isNull _vcl || !alive _vcl; };
   if _bool then {
       // calculate if vehicle respawn time has elapsed
       _vclKilledTime = missionNameSpace getVariable format["%1_killedTime",_str];
       if (isNil "_vclKilledTime") then { _vclKilledTime = 0; };
       _vclTimeDiff = (time - _vclKilledTime);
       if (_vclTimeDiff <= westVehicleRespawn && _vclKilledTime != 0) exitWith { /* respawn delay has not elapsed */ };
       _objs = nearestObjects[_pos,["LandVehicle","Air","CraterLong"],20];
       if (count _objs > 0) then { { if (!(_x isKindOf "AllVehicles") || !alive _x) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } forEach _objs; };
       _vcl = createVehicle [_type, spawnPos, [], 0, "None"];
       _vcl setVehicleInit format["this setVehicleVarName ""%1""; %1 = this;", _str];
       //Set varible to cars - allow full heal near cars
       if (_vcl getVariable "ace_w_heal" == 0) then {_vcl setVariable ["ace_w_heal", true];};
       _vcl setDir _dir;
       _vcl setPosATL _pos;
       if (_i < 6) then { _vcl call setVclAmmoCargo; };
       if (_i == 11) then { _vcl call setHeliAmmoCargo; };
       [player,_vcl,"loc",rSPAWN,_vcl,{ _this call addActionLock; }] call RE;

       // attach killed EH to define time when vehicle was killed, in order to check for respawn delay
       _vcl addEventHandler ["killed", { missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1_killedTime",(_this select 0)], time]; }];
   } else {
       _vcl call vehicleService;
       _vcl engineOn false;
       _vcl setDir _dir;
       _vcl setPosATL _pos;

setWeaponCargo = {
   private ["_vcl","_wep","_num","_cargo","_arr1","_arr2","_count","_id"];
   _vcl   = _this select 0;
   _wep   = _this select 1;

   _num   = 0;
   _cargo = getWeaponCargo _vcl;
   _arr1  = _cargo select 0;
   _id    = _arr1 find _wep;
   if (_id == -1) exitWith {};
   _arr1 set[_id, str _wep];
   _arr2  = (_cargo select 1);
   _arr2 set[_id, 0];
   _cargo = [_arr1,_arr2];
   _count = count _arr2;
   call compile format['
       _vcl setVehicleInit "
       clearWeaponCargo this;
       for ""_i"" from 0 to (%2 - 1) do {
           _wep = (%1 select 0) select _i;
           _num = (%1 select 1) select _i;
           this addWeaponCargo [_wep,_num];
   ', _cargo, _count];

vehicleService = {
   _this call setVclAmmoCargo;

   if (_vcl == heli) then {
   _this call setHeliAmmoCargo;

setVclAmmoCargo = {
   _this setVehicleInit '
   this setVehicleAmmo 1;
   this setFuel 1;
   this setDamage 0;
   clearWeaponCargo this;
   clearMagazineCargo this;
   { this addMagazineCargo [_x select 0, _x select 1]; } forEach humvMagazines;
   { this addWeaponCargo [_x select 0, _x select 1]; } forEach humvItems;
   if (player in crew this) then { titleText["Vehicle serviced", "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

setHeliAmmoCargo = {
   _this setVehicleInit '
   this setVehicleAmmo 1;
   this setFuel 1;
   this setDamage 0;
   clearWeaponCargo this;
   clearMagazineCargo this;
   { this addMagazineCargo [_x select 0, _x select 1]; } forEach heliMagazines;
   { this addWeaponCargo [_x select 0, _x select 1]; } forEach heliItems;
   if (player in crew this) then { titleText["Heli serviced", "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

addActionLock = {
   private "_actionIndex";
   _actionIndex = _this addAction ["Lock","common\client\actions\noScript.sqf",'
       _this select 0 lock true; 
       _this select 0 removeAction (_this select 2);
       _this select 0 call addActionUnlock; 

addActionUnlock = {
   private "_actionIndex";
   _actionIndex = _this addAction ["Unlock","common\client\actions\noScript.sqf",'
       _this select 0 lock false; 
       _this select 0 removeAction (_this select 2);
       _this select 0  call addActionLock; 

checkVehiclesNearbyCampObjs    = {
   _isemptycar = _vcl!=heli && !(player in _vcl);
   _campObjArray = ["M1130_HQ_unfolded_Base_EP1","MASH_EP1","US_WarfareBVehicleServicePoint_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1"];
   _isemptyheli = _vcl==heli && !(player in _vcl);

   if (_isemptycar && _vcl distance (fieldHospital modelToWorld [0,0,0]) < 2) then {
   _vcl setPos [(getPos _vcl select 0) + 3,
   (getPos _vcl select 1) + 3,
   (getPos _vcl select 2)]};

   if (_isemptycar && _vcl distance (vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [0,0,0]) < 1) then {
   _vcl setPos [(getPos _vcl select 0) + 2,
   (getPos _vcl select 1) + 2,
   (getPos _vcl select 2)]};

   if (_isemptycar && _vcl distance (helipad modelToWorld [0,0,0]) < 7) then {
   _vcl setPos [(getPos helipad select 0) - 10,
   (getPos helipad select 1) + 1,
   (getPos helipad select 2)]};

   if (_isemptycar && _vcl distance (HQ modelToWorld [0,0,0]) < 6) then {
   _vcl setPos [(getPos _vcl select 0) + 0.5,
   (getPos _vcl select 1) - 6,
   (getPos _vcl select 2)]};

   if (HQ distance (helipad modelToWorld [0,0,0]) < 10) then {
   HQ setDir (getDir vehicleServicePoint + 90);
   _pos = vehicleServicePoint modelToWorld [10,0,0];
   _pos set [2,0];
   HQ setPosATL _pos;};


Edited by [FRL]Myke

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When pasting such a mess of data use spoiler tags please so the thread is still viewable. If your problem is related to an addon/mod then you should post in the thread for that addon/mod.

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When pasting such a mess of data use spoiler tags please so the thread is still viewable. If your problem is related to an addon/mod then you should post in the thread for that addon/mod.

Its not Addon/mod specific, but thanks.

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Added code tags, also this belongs to mission editing...fasten your seat belts, thread is moving...

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