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Tactical PVP Servers?

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define "PVP" and "tactical", please.

cuz according to formal ones there ANY fit for descriptions [Add-on, which simplifying [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_versus_player https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_tactics respecitvely].

basically you can't play Arma2 w/o PvP, unless server is completely empty.

and can't you can't do it w/o tactic aswell as w/o strategy.

so unless you will be more specific, its hard to point to server.

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Perhaps you are looking for a PvP Event like arma-wargames.com ??

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it really depends on what your looking for, at RGG we are very PvP orientated so id say we've got a few suggestions, Project Reality Being our first.

Project reality is mainly an everyday PvP mod, less focused on events and more focused on enjoying after a days work, the general tactics of the groups who play are higher than event based mods but because you play more of it it can become boring.

the second id say would be the 160th's, no mods just vanilla, they take stuff light hearted and just enjoy the game how it was made :)

other PvP based mods are a bit more long winded and require patience such as UO's PvP, they are one life based and are more orientated to milsim, they use ACRE and ACE which are great mods also.

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