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Arma 2 & Arma 2: OA Will not Launch

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Well, Ive come across a Weird issue, and Ive had a good look around the internet, and found nothing.

This problem involves the Steam version of Arma 2 & Arma 2: OA (The Arma 2 CO Pack)

Basically, I Launch Arma 2, or Arma 2 CO, then I get the "First time setup", After the setup nothing happens at all, Nothing appears at all, Ive taken a look in my task manager and nothing has shown up in there either.

I'm currently Windows 7 64-bit with a Nvidia 450 GTS (SO Edition).

No errors pop up at all, Although when I verifiy Game Cache with steam it does say 1 file is missing (But apparently that's normal)

Does anyone know how to solve this issue without reinstalling Arma 2 and OA (Took me around 5 hours to download them both).

Looked on many Forums and tried many thing to get this to work, Nothing has helped me at all...

Apparently this is a Big issue which many people are getting, yet there is nothing posted on how to fix it.

Also seems to only happen on Windows 64-Bit

Update: Uninstalled Both, Then Just installed ARMA 2, Still doesn't work

Before you say it, Running steam and the game as admin doesn't work for me.

Edited by Pancakemixes

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1 file missing is NOT NORMAL!

Let it download and verify it again and again until everything is fine. You might want to run steam as administrator too.

If you still gets error after verifying so many times, you might want to check with steam support instead and put a ticket for it. Or deleting the game and reinstalling it, but that's gonna take a long time so it might not worth it.

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  gunso said:
1 file missing is NOT NORMAL!

Let it download and verify it again and again until everything is fine. You might want to run steam as administrator too.

If you still gets error after verifying so many times, you might want to check with steam support instead and put a ticket for it. Or deleting the game and reinstalling it, but that's gonna take a long time so it might not worth it.

Still not working, Downloaded and Verified it many, many times

UPDATE: Fixed the First issue with the game not launching, Just replaced D3DX9_41.dll


C:\windows\system32\XINPUT1_3.dll is either not designated to run on windows or contains an error

Here's a screenshot


Edited by Pancakemixes

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  Placebo said:
Hopefully not by just downloading that one dll from a random site? http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/d3dx9_41-dll-not-found-missing-error.htm

No, Just deleted the file then Re-Ran the Installation for DirectX

The Problem has been fixed

Just had to delete XINPUT1_3.dll and D3DX9_41.dll from System32 and SysWOW64 and works fully now, the game works, that's the main thing :D

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Aha okies. Glad it's working :)

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