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Phantom Six

OPFOR Massacre Civilians (Genocide)

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I'm trying to figure out how to make OPFOR units mass slaughter civilians and animals including those that spawn via ALICE modules. I don't intend to group them all to a BLUFOR unit with a probability of 0 nor do a setrating to negative values.

I tried putting this in init.sqf

East setFriend [Civilian,0]; 
Civilian setFriend [East,0];

but OPFOR units will only stand still pointing their rifles at the civilian and simply stare. Does this command no longer work and that I have to use some alternatives? Thanks.

I've lurked around for OPFOR kill civilians but I have only encountered the group to probability 0, joinsilent command, and the setfriend command here. So far the setfriend doesn't seem to be doing much.

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Without using the above I gave a weapon and ammo to a CIV and he instantly starts killing OPFOR, OPFOR don't respond and when the above setfriend is used they just target the CIV but still won't return fire.

If you change them to WEST and use the above the AI CIV targets BLUFOR but doesn't shoot, BLUFOR do nothing.

It does seem very strange. I thought at one time it worked as it should.

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You may find following 2 threads helpful, in which, for example, MadRussian found that the join command is buggy for civs:



The specific bug he found was fixed within 48 hours. I don't know if the fix has had any effect on other aspects of changing the side of civs.

Edited by Orcinus
Fixed broken links

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