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No corpse looting script?

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Ran some searches through the forums and google, but a search for 'No looting script' brought back nothing but damn DayZ results, so I have to ask...

Does anyone have a script that'll stop units from looting corpses for weapons? I've applied a script to give the AI unlimited ammunition with reloads, but even then they still insist on taking weapons off of enemy and friendly units. So if anyone has knowledge of an init line I can apply that'll stop friendlies from looting weapons off of kills, it would be much appreciated.

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Just a short thought:

what about deleting weapons and ammunition from dead soldiers?

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Because (if I'm reading your suggestion correctly) that would imply that I want them to be dead on placement, which I'm not talking about. Besides, I do want OPFOR units to scavenge weapons and ammunition from bodies, just not BLUFOR units.

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Probably there is a way to disable "Rearm" for EAST, but how to do this exactly I can't tell.

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I have never seen AI soldiers taking weapons from the dead in plain Arma. Are you using the ASR AI mod or similar?

If so, there may be a way to change looting behaviour per side/faction included in that mod.

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Nope, nothing like that.

EDIT: After a few playtests, it seems that infinite ammo has stopped them from picking up small arms, though I'm still seeing riflemen looting RPGs from dead enemy AT units...

Also, unrelated to the title, but has anyone ever seen a helicopter just hit an invisible wall and crash? 3 of the 4 British Wildcats in the mission will fly for a short amount of time before they all hit some invisible wall one after the other, and crash into the ocean. The last one seems to make it to land, but it's LZ must be one of the points further down because I never see it after it veers off to the south

Edited by Bungdup

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This seems weird to me. As ceeeb said, in the vanilla game AI do not rearm. There isn't enough information in your post to get to grips with this.

Are you using any mods at all? If so, which?

In any event, you could probably use a script that exploits the killed event handler; condition side == west; remove all weapons this; or similar.

On what island do your choppers hit an invisible wall? If you pilot a chopper over the same location, do you hit it or not?


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The looting troops in question are ONS Canadians. As I said, giving them infinite ammunition has stopped the looting of small arms, but there still seems to be a habit of taking RPGs (And only RPGs) from bodies. Just the Canadians. Vanilla/OA units don't seem to be doing it, as you said. Not a big deal, because it seems that they don't ever take ammo for the RPGs, but it is rather annoying to see all the same.

As for the invisible wall, it must've been some bug with the AH11, because I swapped them out for Merlin HC3s and the Merlins are doing just fine. Oddly enough the crash wasn't bound to a particular spot, but rather an amount of time passed. I moved the AH11s around numerous times, and it kept happening after about 20 seconds in, regardless of where they were placed. Looks like I won't be using the Wildcats anytime soon.

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