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hi friends, I am trying to create an environment of toxic gas. used the following:


execVM "gas.sqf";


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_gas1 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_gas2 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos2, [], 0, "FORM"];
_gas3 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos3, [], 0, "FORM"];
radio setPos [ (getPos mesa select 0), (getPos mesa select 1), (getPos mesa select 2) +0.5];
sleep 2;
execVM "gas.sqf";



I wonder now how do I add the effect of damage on the script and increase the range. anyone know how?

Excuse my English, I'm using google translator.

Best Regards.

Edited by moraespqd

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