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About moraespqd

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  1. moraespqd

    How to Create an Blackout

    thanks a lot, I'll try it if not I'll try to work out a set damage in lamps or poles. I'll post any results back. Once again, thanks
  2. moraespqd


    you can also use the task master 2, it is very simple and easy to work and this well functional in Arma 3 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100731-Taskmaster-2
  3. goodnight friends ... I'm trying to create a blackout in Agia Marina after the destruction of a transformer. I used a script to the Arma 2. script: // lightsoff.sqf _pos = _this select 0; _range = _this select 1; // Add more types if needed _types = ["Land_lampa_vysoka", "Land_lampa_ind", "Land_lampa_ind_b", "Land_lampa_sidl", "Land_lampa_ind_zebr"]; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do { _lamps = _pos nearObjects [_types select _i, _range]; Sleep 1; {_x switchLight "OFF"} forEach _lamps; }; and changed the types of _types = ["LampDecor_F", "LampHalogen_F", "LampHarbour_F", "LampShabby_F"]; Not sure if this is the correct classname but I'm trying to find a way to do this. if someone has an idea how to help me. sorry my english. I'm using Google translator
  4. moraespqd

    Disposable ATs

    I agree with my friend Etex. this ends very disturbing and experience in the game and would like to be left as possible consistent with the fact that it is already a simulator. sorry for my english, I'm using google translator.
  5. moraespqd

    ambient gas

    got it, thank you will help me a lot. thanks!
  6. hi friends, I am trying to create an environment of toxic gas. used the following: init.sqf execVM "gas.sqf"; gas.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _gas1 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _gas2 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos2, [], 0, "FORM"]; _gas3 = createVehicle ["ACE_M7A3", getPos gasPos3, [], 0, "FORM"]; radio setPos [ (getPos mesa select 0), (getPos mesa select 1), (getPos mesa select 2) +0.5]; sleep 2; execVM "gas.sqf"; exit; result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDeSEDEZIYU&feature=plcp I wonder now how do I add the effect of damage on the script and increase the range. anyone know how? Excuse my English, I'm using google translator. Best Regards.