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Mysterious Script Errors -Dedicated

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Hello, Got a question for you guys today.

Some people are getting the following errors when hosting a dedicated:

2012/07/06, 17:53:41 Error in expression <effectcreate ["colorcorrections",1549];
_ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;>
2012/07/06, 17:53:41   Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;>
2012/07/06, 17:53:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect
2012/07/06, 17:53:41 Error in expression <500];
_color = [_R,_G,_B,_intensity];

_ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [
2012/07/06, 17:53:41   Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [
2012/07/06, 17:53:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect    

Now this code does not exist in the mission (Dynamic Zombie Sandbox), but there is some code celery wrote involving visual effects:

Line 369:                             drop ["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[1,1,0.5,1]],0],0,0,"","",_zombie];
Line 372:                             drop ["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[[1,0.25,0.25,1]],0],0,0,"","",_zombie];

Entire script, part in question is toward the end:

Zombie mission init script by Celery
diag_log "Zombie .sqf init executed";
private ["_array","_index","_forEachIndex","_mag","_anim","_guntype","_gun","_muzzles","_muzzle","_damage","_bandages","_magazines","_weapons","_items","_newmagazines","_group"];
waitUntil {isDedicated or !isNull player};
//Wait for JIP to load
diag_log "Zombie .sqf init started";
if (CVG_debug == 2) then {
player sidechat "loading celery scripts";
CLY_debug = false;

//Option to set terrain detail at start
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] spawn {
sleep 1;
if (CLY_terraingrid==0) then {
CLY_terrainaction0=player addAction ["Confirm terrain detail","cly_terraingrid.sqs",0,2.5,true,true,"",""];
CLY_terrainaction1=player addAction ["Terrain detail: very low","cly_terraingrid.sqs",50,2.5,true,true,"",""];
CLY_terrainaction2=player addAction ["Terrain detail: low","cly_terraingrid.sqs",25,2.5,true,true,"",""];
CLY_terrainaction3=player addAction ["Terrain detail: medium","cly_terraingrid.sqs",12.5,2.5,true,true,"",""];
CLY_terrainaction4=player addAction ["Terrain detail: high","cly_terraingrid.sqs",6.25,2.5,true,true,"",""];
CLY_terrainaction5=player addAction ["Terrain detail: very high","cly_terraingrid.sqs",3.125,2.5,true,true,"",""];
} else {
if (CLY_terraingrid>0) then {setTerrainGrid CLY_terraingrid};
} else {
setTerrainGrid 50;
//Random zombie classname

private ["_zombie","_selected"];
_zombie=CLY_zombieclasses select floor random count CLY_zombieclasses;
while {typeName _zombie=="ARRAY"} do {
_zombie=_zombie select floor random count _zombie;
//Random armored zombie classname

private ["_zombie"];
_zombie=CLY_armoredzombieclasses select floor random count CLY_armoredzombieclasses;
while {typeName _zombie=="ARRAY"} do {
_zombie=_zombie select floor random count _zombie;
//Zombie damage handling

private ["_zombie","_armored"];
_armored=_zombie getVariable "zombietype" in ["armored","slow armored"] or typeOf _zombie in CLY_armoredzombieclasses;
if (!_armored) then {
_zombie addEventHandler [
_unit=_this select 0;
_damage=_this select 2;
if (!isNil {_unit getVariable "gethit"}) then {_gethit=_unit getVariable "gethit"} else {_unit setVariable ["gethit",[0,0,0,0]]};
switch (_this select 1) do {
case "":{_damage=damage _unit+_damage*0.1};
case "head_hit":{_damage=(_gethit select 0)+(_damage-(_gethit select 0))*2;_gethit set [0,_damage];_unit setVariable ["gethit",_gethit]};
case "body":{_damage=(_gethit select 1)+(_damage-(_gethit select 1))*0.25;_gethit set [1,_damage];_unit setVariable ["gethit",_gethit]};
case "legs":{_damage=(_gethit select 3)+(_damage-(_gethit select 3))*0.45;_gethit set [3,_damage];_unit setVariable ["gethit",_gethit]};
if (_this select 3!=_unit) then {
_unit setVariable ["victim",_this select 3];
} else {
_zombie addEventHandler [
_unit=_this select 0;
_damage=_this select 2;
if (!isNil {_unit getVariable "gethit"}) then {_gethit=_unit getVariable "gethit"} else {_unit setVariable ["gethit",[0,0,0,0]]};
switch (_this select 1) do {
case "":{_damage=damage _unit+_damage*0.05};
case "head_hit":{_damage=(_gethit select 0)+(_damage-(_gethit select 0))*0.1;_gethit set [0,_damage];_unit setVariable ["gethit",_gethit]};
case "body":{_damage=(_gethit select 1)+(_damage-(_gethit select 1))*0.1;_gethit set [1,_damage];_unit setVariable ["gethit",_gethit]};
case "legs":{_damage=0};
if (_this select 3!=_unit) then {
_unit setVariable ["victim",_this select 3];
//Disable saving
enableSaving [false,false];
setWind [2,-2,true];
//CLY Remove Dead
[45,0] execVM "cly_removedead.sqf";
player setVariable ["CLY_removedead",false,true];

/////No dedicated after this/////
if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
/////No dedicated after this/////

//Put player in proper start position
[] spawn {
sleep 1;
player enableSimulation true;
player setVelocity [0,0,0];
player setPos [getPos player select 0,getPos player select 1,(getPosATL player select 2)-(getPos player select 2)];
if (!isNil "CLY_jipresumepos" and !(typeOf player in CLY_deadcharacters)) then {
player setPosATL CLY_jipresumepos;
if !(typeOf player in CLY_deadcharacters) then {
sleep 0.5;
cutText ["","BLACK IN",2];
player setVariable ["CLY_addweapon",nil];
player setVariable ["CLY_playerstates",true,true];
sleep 15;
player setVariable ["victim",nil,true];

} else {
player setPos [(getMarkerPos "respawn_civilian" select 0)-20+random 40,(getMarkerPos "respawn_civilian" select 1)-20+random 40,0];
if (CVG_Respawn == 0) then {
//Trigger spectator script when player is dead or already dead
[] spawn {
waitUntil {!alive player or typeOf player in CLY_deadcharacters};
[[],true] execVM "cly_spectate.sqf";
if !(typeOf player in CLY_deadcharacters) then {
CLY_deadcharacters set [count CLY_deadcharacters,typeOf player];
publicVariable "CLY_deadcharacters";
} else {
titleText ["\n\nYour character is already dead.\nIf you wish to play, try another slot.","PLAIN",0.5];

//---Accuracy boost---
//Activate accuracy boost
//Designed and recommended only for sidearms with a high spread.
//Minimum dispersion value in config before a handgun receives accuracy boost
//Weapons that receive an accuracy boost regardless of type and dispersion
//Load the script
CLY_accuracyscript=compile preProcessFile "cly_accuracy.sqf";
//Event handler
player addEventHandler ["Fired",{_this call CLY_accuracyscript}];
//Update weapon direction
if (CLY_accuracy) then {
[] spawn {

private ["_lasttime"];
while {true} do {
sleep 0.02;
CLY_weapondir=[player weaponDirection currentWeapon player,time,_lasttime];
if (CVG_Mochilla != 1) then {
//Disable ACE stamina
publicVariable "ACE_NoStaminaEffects";
//Leave group
_group = createGroup civilian;
[player] join _group;

//Friendly fire damage modifier
if (CLY_friendlyfire!=1) then {
player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{if (isPlayer (_this select 3) and (_this select 3)!=(_this select 0)) then {damage (_this select 0)+(_this select 2)*(CLY_friendlyfire*0.1)} else {_this select 2}}];
//Zombie face update for clients
[] exec "zombie_scripts\cly_z_textures.sqs";
//GPS markers
[] exec "cly_gps.sqs";
//CLY Jukebox
//Claw script

private ["_victim","_claw"];
_victim=_this select 0;
_claw=_this select 1;
if (player==_victim) then {
titleRsc [format ["claw%1",_claw],"PLAIN"]
} else {
if (!isNil {player getVariable "spectating"}) then {
if (player getVariable "spectating"==_victim) then {
titleRsc [format ["claw%1",_claw],"PLAIN"];
//Claw mark HUD
[] execVM "cly_hud.sqf";
//Public variable event handlers
"CLY_z_noisepv" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_var=_this select 1;
_zombie=_var select 0;
_zombie say3D (_var select 1);
"CLY_z_attackpv" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_var=_this select 1;
_zombie=_var select 0;
_sound=_var select 1;
_anim=if (count _var>2) then {_var select 2} else {""};
_object="HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_object attachTo [_zombie,[0,0,1.5]];
_object say3D _sound;
if (_anim!="") then {_zombie switchMove _anim};
[_object] spawn {sleep 10;deleteVehicle (_this select 0)};
"CLY_z_victimpv" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_var=_this select 1;
_victim=_var select 0;
_sound=_var select 1;
_claw=_var select 2;
_object="HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_object attachTo [_victim,[0,0,1.5]];
if (_sound!="") then {_object say3D _sound};
[_object] spawn {sleep 5;deleteVehicle (_this select 0)};
if (_claw>0) then {[_victim,_claw] call CLY_z_claw};
"CLY_z_radiopv" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_var=_this select 1;
_talker=_var select 0;
_radio=_var select 1;
_say=if (count _var>2) then {_var select 2} else {""};
if (isPlayer _talker) then {
_talker commandRadio _radio;
} else {
_talker globalRadio _radio;
if (_say!="") then {_talker say _say};
sleep 3;
//Load player state
if !(typeOf player in CLY_deadcharacters) then {
if (typeOf player in _x) then {_array=_x;_index=_forEachIndex};
} forEach CLY_playerstates;
if (count _array>0) then {
_damage=_array select 2;
_bandages=_array select 3;
_magazines=_array select 4;
_weapons=_array select 5;
_items=_array select 6;

//2/3 of the original magazines
if !(_x in _newmagazines) then {
for "_x" from 1 to round (({_x==_mag} count _magazines)*0.66) do {
_newmagazines set [count _newmagazines,_mag];
} forEach _magazines;

player setDamage _damage;
{player addMagazine _x} forEach _newmagazines;
{player addWeapon _x} forEach _weapons;
if (count _weapons>0) then {
_gun=_weapons select 0;
_muzzles=getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_gun/"muzzles");
_muzzle=if !("this" in _muzzles) then {_muzzles select 0} else {_gun};
player selectWeapon _muzzle;
if (vehicle player==player) then {
_guntype=getNumber (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_gun/"type");
if (_guntype in [1,5]) then {_anim="amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon"};
if (_guntype==2) then {_anim="amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon"};
if (_guntype==4) then {_anim="amovpercmstpsraswlnrdnon"};
if (_anim!="") then {player switchMove _anim};
{player addWeapon _x} forEach _items;
CLY_playerstates set [_index,[player,typeOf player,_damage,_bandages,_newmagazines,_weapons,_items]];
publicVariable "CLY_playerstates";
//CLY Heal continued
[player,0.1,0,_bandages,false] execVM "cly_heal.sqf";
//CLY Spectate cameraView script (spectator sees aiming mode when player aims)
[] spawn {
player setVariable ["cameraview","INTERNAL",true];
while {true} do {
if (alive player and cameraView!=(player getVariable "cameraview")) then {player setVariable ["cameraview",cameraView,true]};
sleep 0.1;
//Loot sparkle
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] spawn {

private ["_x","_unit","_zombies"];
while {true} do {
sleep 3;
waitUntil {!CLY_cutscene};
_unit=if (isNil {_x getVariable "spectating"}) then {player} else {_x getVariable "spectating"};
if (_x distance player<50 and (count magazines _x>0 or count weapons _x>0 or count items _x>0 or count (getPosATL _x nearObjects ["HeliHEmpty",0.1])>0)) then {
_zombies set [count _zombies,_x];
} forEach allDead;
[_x] spawn {

private ["_zombie"];
_zombie=_this select 0;
for "_x" from 1 to 10 do {
if (count magazines _zombie>0 or count weapons _zombie>0 or count items _zombie>0) then {
drop ["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[[1,1,0.5,1]],[0],0,0,"","",_zombie];
if (count (getPosATL _zombie nearObjects ["HeliHEmpty",0.1])>0) then {
drop ["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[[1,0.25,0.25,1]],[0],0,0,"","",_zombie];
sleep 0.3;
} forEach _zombies;
//Set players captive - prevents zombies from fleeing in MP
player setCaptive true;
if (CVG_debug == 2) then {
player sidechat "celery scripts loaded";
diag_log "Zombie .sqf init finished";

As far as I know this only pops up when hosting a dedicated server.

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This is one of the very few RPT errors that I'm ignoring. Happens with a lot of missions.

You have a Color Corrections module placed in the Editor?

If so, you can maybe get rid of this by creating the Module on the clients only.

Bug #15072 Postprocessing effects SQF commands applied on a dedicated server cause many errors logged to rpt

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This is one of the very few RPT errors that I'm ignoring. Happens with a lot of missions.

You have a Color Corrections module placed in the Editor?

If so, you can maybe get rid of this by creating the Module on the clients only.

Bug #15072 Postprocessing effects SQF commands applied on a dedicated server cause many errors logged to rpt

I do indeed, thanks. I was hoping it was something like this. It is created on non-dedicated machines, so that will have to do.

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No Idea about the .rpt, I don't run a server :P. But I did noticed there were a few too many brackets at the end that were never "opened" essentially. Try replacing them with these. (If they don't work don't rage, I just noticed a flaw in the syntax. I don't know how those arrays are used.)

Line 369:                             drop [["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[[1,1,0.5,1],0],0,0,"","",_zombie];
Line 372:                             drop [["\ca\data\koulesvetlo","","Billboard",3,3,[-0.25+random 0.5,-0.25+random 0.5,0.1],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,0,[0,0.015,0.01,0.005,0],[[1,0.25,0.25,1]],0],0,0,"","",_zombie];

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