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How do you parachute?

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My training mission appears to be bugged. I cannot leave the Osprey to land on the LZ. Perhaps it has something to do with my custom keybindings. I use the action menu but I only get "Gear" and my "Get Out" and "Eject" hotkeys do not do anything. Parachuting to me is completely alien. What do you do and what key is it binded too?

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I haven't jumped for a while but have you tried just running out of the door rather than using the action menu? ie W key?

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Is this the Arma 2 HALO training mission, or something in Operation Arrowhead?

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Short answer: you don't.

If you're using one of the latest beta, the Boot Camp mission 02: Parachute Jump is broken.

I've tried it without betas and automatically got thrown out of the plane as it should be :)

I've reported it here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136733-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-94444-(1-60-MP-compatible-build-post-1-60-release)&p=2183533&viewfull=1#post2183533

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