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Assign a task as current task

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When you create a task, it appears in the tasks list that you access through the map screen and to assign the task as current you click "Tasks then click it "set as current task" then it will show the text on the screen as a waypoint telling you where the task is located.

Well, how can you assign it as the current task without having to go through the task screen to assign it ?


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That assigns the Task but dosent set it as the current task though ?

When you go into Map\Tasks and click on a task you can then click on the right top of the screen "set as current task" and that then shows on the game screen as like a waypoint showing the marker

"policestation" setMarkerTypeLocal "select";

tskpolstation = player createSimpleTask["Return back to the Police Station"];

tskpolstation setSimpleTaskDescription["Go back to the Police Station and write up your report", "Return to base", "Return to base"];

tskpolstation setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "policestation");

taskhint ["New Task!\nBack to base", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskNew"];

taskhint ["Task Assigned!\nGo back to the Police station", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskCurrent"];

That in it's self does not show the "Return to base" text on the players screen as the location of the Task until you go into MAP\TASKS then click on the right top of the screen "set as current task" ... only then does the location of the task show on the screen, it's that bit I want to show without the player having to manually select it if it's possible.


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If you want to assign a task put this:

"1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_2;

Here is a link to a video that will help you out a lot and it is where I found your answer:

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You're right, sorry. Think this is what you are looking for setCurrentTask.

Thanks, that did the trick just nicely :)

If you want to assign a task put this:
"1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_2;

Here is a link to a video that will help you out a lot and it is where I found your answer:

That's the old way of doing tasks, but thanks anyway :)

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