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Confused with Co-op Campaign

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Hey everyone, I having some questions about the co-op campaign. My friends and I last night were doing a mission and we were very confused. Why is it we never spawned near each other and why were all of our objectives different from one another? Is there anyway we can have the same objectives or what? Thanks in advanced.

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Maybe you should write campaig title :) how we can know in what campaign you play. If it is Op.Arrowhead campaign all players have different tasks.

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Well we tried the first mission on OA. And we couldn't snipe the target in the middle. Then we tried Good morning T-stan and we all had different tasks and spawned in different location's. So there is no way to somehow have all the same tasks in OA?

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No, OA campaign is made this way, 1 guy is soldier, 2nd is pilot etc, and they all have different task. Maybe try Harvest red campaign from arma2, all players in one team with the same tasks. Or check Armaholic there you can find few coop campaigns where all players are in one team.

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