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Single player mod

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Hello, I'm not 100% sure if this is the right place to put this, sorry if it isn't ( Its my first day :) )

I'm looking for a good single player mod ,or mods, as my internet isn't really great at all the times to play online, I'm gonna be getting my ass handed to me often enough without having my internet against me too lol. I've played vanilla Arma 2 and now i want to make the offline experience better, like better AI to give me more of a challenge. I saw the ACE mod but that looks like it is more geared towards online play than offline play. COWarMod looks like a good mod for offline play that adds alot of really cool features. Anyway, which mod(s) would you recommend to enhance offline play? I'd love to download them all and play test them but the crappy internet kinda prevents me from doing that :(. So what would you recommend? Btw I have arma 2 CO and reinforcements.

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ACE is pretty good for SP, I use it all the time. Also look at ASR's AI improvements and tpw/SaOk's LOS addon for starters.

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Some I always play with & are small, in addition to asr_ai:

zp5_at_fix; st_movement; ft_HUD; Gib_Copy_My_Stance; VFTCAS.

tpw/SaOK's LOS is excellent, note it requires one of the the most recent beta releases (beta releases - somewhat like an addon in the way they work - are quite small & well worth checking out anyway).

Also upcoming: -coulum-/tpw's AI suppression. With the latest incarnation of asr_ai, will make significant improvements to AI behaviour in combat.

When you want to make your own missions, check out DAC (package of scripts that cover everything from spawning camps & groups, to AI) and HAC (aka HETMAN) - adds a field level commander.

Welcome to the Armaverse :)

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I can suggest JSRS sound mod, and WarFX Blastcore for effects: explosions etc.

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