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How change skin player in sthe game? Exsample: player = doctor. Need in game change him to "Teacher". How do it? Create new group, create new unit in this group whith it's skin and change player control on new unit? But this bad solution..

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I know two campaigns where player "change" his skin you can check them for script parts.

Blood on the sand by Zipper5 last mission and Gambit royale by AZcoder second mission player change skin from civil to chedkz after he steal uniform from chedk insurgent in WC (toilet search for trigers on map) :).

In Gambit royale campaign check mission GR1.chernarus and check folder scripts. You can find there action.sqf with lines:

search for something like this:

ian setPos (getPos ianchdk);

selectPlayer ianchdk;

ian that was player unit in civil close and ianchdk is player in insurgent uniform (maybe i write the names wrong becose i played this campaig long time ago)

And here info from bi wiki:


Edited by tom3kb

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