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Trigger height

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I want to let a trigger make a sound, if units reach the bottom after a parachute jump.

How do I do that? I mean in regard to the trigger height.

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In trigger condition put:

this && {((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 2} count thislist > 0

That will activate the trigger when the units within it meet the triggers conditions and are under 2 meters of vertical height. Change it to: == 0 if you want exactly when they hit the ground.

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So I put the following into the condition-box of the trigger:

spieler && {((getPosATL _x) select 2) ==0} count thislist > 0

but it doesnt work(Trigger condition: Activation if BLUFOR present).

What am I doing wrong?

Edited by _qoR

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the name I named my player ;)

what about the _x behind getPosATL? what does it stand for?

Edited by _qoR

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And you seem to miss a space between == and 0.

The space doesn't matter.

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Well that's good to know! ;)

I was never sure about that but constantly tried to get everything correct with the spaces in case it would somehow mess things up.

Anyway the name of the unit has nothing to do there. this, in the condition line, refers to a boolean (defined by the parameters you set up above: present, blufor).

So you need to put in the exact code bobtom gave you. Unless you want that sound to be played only when that particular units touches the grounds, in which case this would do the trick.

this && ((getPosATL spieler) select 2) < 2

Edit: Oh, and the _x refers to the current object being tested by the count command.

Edited by BlackMamb

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