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Intel on 5 locations 1 at a time ?

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Sorry guys racking my brains but cannot seem to work out how to do this.

I have a civilian that i need to get Intel from so was thinking of a addaction that would display a hint on one of the 5 tanks that are pre placed - tank1 - tank5.

My issue is how can i just work out to show 1 tank at a time i.e once it is destroyed they come back and get the next location etc.. until they have all been destroyed.

[nil, this, "per", rADDACTION, "Gather Intel on Location","intel.sqf",[],1,false,true,"",""] call RE; 

//get approx location of tank
_name = tank1
_dist =  550;
_angle = random 359;
_marker1 = createMarker[format["marker%1",_name],getPos _name ];
_marker1 setMarkerShape "ICON";
_marker1 setMarkerType "FLAG";
_marker1 setMarkerText "T72  Location 550m";
_marker1 setMarkerSize [.50, .50];
_marker1 setMarkerPos [(getPos _name select 0) - 0.5 * _dist + (random _dist), (getPos _name select 1) - 0.5 * _dist + ( _dist)];

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try eventhandler killed - once one is killed - create another tank - if thats what you mean.

or use eventhandler killed to add an addaction to the next tank.

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I was really to get Intel from 1 guy i.e add action give me Intel on 1st tank location. when that is destroyed go back and get the next location etc...

No sure how to do it as a If statement would not work , nor e a case ?

Edited by psvialli

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ah - thats fine- get what you mean now

can use a switch statement...

addaction calls the script - switch statement = case (alive tank1): {tank = tank1}; case (alive tank2): {tank = tank2};

this is based on the fact that only one tank is on the map at any given time.

how ive used my intel gathering - look in fockers most wanted- boss.sqf

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