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Stop spawn into water ?

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I am using the below to spawn in a random position from a marker but how can i stop it spawning into Water , as sometimes it spawns into water :(

_marker = _this select 0;  // marker name
_radius = _this select 1;   //5K
_pos = getmarkerpos _marker;
_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees)";
_prec = 100;
_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
_spot = _bestplace select 0;
_spot2 = _spot select 0;

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I am using the below to spawn in a random position from a marker but how can i stop it spawning into Water , as sometimes it spawns into water :(

Just keep trying to guess into land is found.

_marker = _this select 0;  // marker name
_radius = _this select 1;   //5K
_pos = getmarkerpos _marker;

_foundPos = false;
_spot2 = [0,0,0];
while (not _foundPos) do {
  _exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees)";
  _prec = 100;
  _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
  _spot = _bestplace select 0;
  _spot2 = _spot select 0;
  if (not surfaceIsWater _spot2) then {_foundPos = true;};
//Result in spot2

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And/or probably you can try to add "sea" to expression, eg:

_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) - (10 * sea)";

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