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Request Help: Buildings/Config/Models not working correctly in-game

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Ok, it's official. I'm a dumbass. I've been looking at examples (from BIS and talented modders) of both models and config files. I have created a large number of enterable buildings (which work with ACE weapon mounting ("shift - space") and include the ability to step out ("v") through the windows.

All the buildings are low poly for fast gameplay.

The problems are multiple but the biggest are:

1. ALICE/CIV modules don't appear to work at all (neither does tpw's houselights (which are great btw))

2. When destroyed, buildings sink straight into the ground in a fraction of a seconds and do not produce any smoke effects

3. I can only get steady/blinking lights to work on only one building at a time

I have tried to replicate everything I've seen in models that work and have even gone so far as to rename a config that works and place the information that works with the name and model location with my information.

As soon as I figure these buildings out, I will be able to release my MCAGCC 29 Palms map that I've been working on (intermittently) for the last several years.

Please, will someone that is smarter than me please help me figure this out? I'd really like to release the island in the very near future.


I've uploaded the code here: http://codeviewer.org/view/code:26e7

If desired, I can send a PM with a link to a zip of the buildings/config (unbinarized and open).

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Not a single day goes by where I have to tell someone about the proper usage of the LAND_ naming convention. :)

Your problem is right here:

class Land_wgl_master_House: House


model = "\wgl_objects\wgl_3x6x1_b.p3d";

The model name does not match your class name.

Correct would be these two:

If we stick with the object name:

class Land_wgl_3x6x1_b: House
	model = "\wgl_objects\wgl_3x6x1_b.p3d";

If we stick with the classname name:

class Land_wgl_master_House: House
	model = "\wgl_objects\wgl_master_House";

Then your building will work correctly when placed in a map. (Via Visitor)

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Thanks for the help. I've had them all the correct way until recently where I tried to add the master class house. I'll try it again later today and see if that fixes it. I appreciate the help and sorry that you had to repeat yourself again. :)

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Configuring ruins models do have their pitfalls.: But basically what you do is to configure an entirely new building that looks like the ruined main building, and then you "link" it via config from the proper one, via this:

  class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects
  class Ruin1
   simulation = "ruin";
   type = "\Ca\Structures\House\HouseV\HouseV_1I1_ruins.p3d";
   position = "";
   intensity = 1;
   interval = 1;
   lifeTime = 1;

Although you link a direct .p3d path, this object needs to be configured correctly, otherwise it will not work. (Meaning that there needs to be a LAND_HouseV_1I1_ruins)

To get AI generated by ALICE to "enter" and "leave" the building, you need new memorypoints:

aiDoor1 - Directly at the door

aiDoor1_dir - ~1m in front of door on the outside

No further config entries needed for that as the ALICE scripts take care of this completely on its own.

Edited by Mondkalb

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For the aiDoor1 to work correctly, do I need to include a path (like I would do for AI path finding) from the aiDoor1 to aiDoor_Dir?

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