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Signature size limit

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To keep signatures reasonably small following rules apply:

- total height of your signature should be less than 150 pixels

- height of any image, flash animation or any other signature single element must not exceed 100 pixels

- total size of all files used in your signature must be less than 100 KB.

- signature must be quiet, no sounds may be played back in it by any means

- size of avtars should be less or equal to 64x64 pixels.

The purpose of those rules is to keep forum clean, easily browsable and fast to download. If you will not follow the rules above the following things may happen:

i) Moderator will ask you to change your signature

ii) If you will fail do to so, moderator may remove or change

your singature

iii) If you will repeatadly set your signature so that it breaks the rules above, you can be banned from the forum.

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To help anyone you does not want to view other members signatures:

Go to Your control panel on top of the forum page, then select Account options, then select Do you wish to view members signatures when reading threads? - No.

You can also disable viewing avatars from your control panel. If you will do so, you will still be able to see icons denoting moderators or OF Team members, but no other avatars.

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