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Editing multiple units at once

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Sorry, noob question, did a search but hard to search for something like this. What is the key combo to edit multiple units at once? Say I want to change & sync an entire squad to the same skill level, for example - or add the same init lines to every soldier, rather than going one by one.

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It's called Copy/Pasta my friend.

Well, if I have a squad with all different types of soldiers, want to maintain their differences but change one field to the same value, like skill, copy paste would not do this.

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There's no key combo.... you have to do it with script. Something like this in the leaders init will do it for a group...

{_x setskill 0.7} foreach units group this;

..or for all units in the game....

{_x setskill 0.7} foreach allunits;

This is where learning to script comes into it. You can do much more powerful things than just using objects in the editor.....just about anything really!!

Here's a link to the scripting commands.... Arma 2 Scripting Commands

You should also read this.... for Armed Assault and older .sqs but still applies big time. Mr Murray's Armed Assault Editing Guide.

Edited by twirly

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I agree that this could be better in the editor. I hope that the Arma 3 editor will have these kinds of improvements. But for now unfortunately we have to stick with this individual unit management in the editor (unless we use scripts as mentioned above of course).

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You can do a simple search and replace in the mission.sqm file.

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