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Artifacts GTX560ti

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So this is something that has only become apparent recently. Though I'm not sure if it's the latest Nvidia driver, the dayz mod (e.g. changing HDR to very high to see in dark), or just being in a specific aera in Cherno.

It is most obvious when I look in a specific direction, usually south. I know artifacting is generally temp related, but my temps are fine.

http://i48.tinypic.com/2u6ntpu.jpg (108 kB)

http://i45.tinypic.com/2eksln7.jpg (108 kB)

http://i45.tinypic.com/20sepn5.jpg (106 kB)

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I had this a few times in arma and battlefield 3 (although there it's black triangles), it seems to happen only when using a lot vram on my pc, might be a driver issue (I had it with 3 different cards, but only very rarely). If you have things running in the background (like browsers) close them (to save vram).

also make sure the vram setting is set at "default" (that's auto detect).

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I had the same problem (I also have the GTX560ti), read somewhere on this forum that this could be caused by broken models used in the DayZ mod.

Edited by DanielV

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GTX460 here, this happens to me too every now and again (maybe once in about 20 hrs game time or so), even with no mods.

restarting the game usually fixes it.

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I have the same issue with 2x 2gb HD6970's. So it's not an Nvidia problem, it's DayZ. I am also in Cherno atm thats where I have the issue also.

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