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markers only seen by certain team

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just wondering if i can get some help i have a TvT game i am making and each team have the abililty to deploy rally points ( found the script by suicidal )

any way once the rally is deployed a marker is placed on the map.

How would i make the markers only be seen by the corrosponding team like west team only see the west team rally point marker.

marker is setup by


if ((side player) == west) then {server execVM "HOG scripts\player_specific\rally\rallyMLoop.sqf"};
if ((side player) == resistance) then {server execVM "HOG scripts\east\rally\rallyMLoop.sqf"};

now the rally marker files


while {alive teleportTo_object} do
"rallym" setMarkerPos getPos teleportTo_object;
"rallym" setMarkerShape "ICON";
"rallym" setMarkerType "mil_dot";
"rallym" setMarkerSize [1.0, 1.0];
"rallym" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
"rallym" setMarkerText "Rally Point USA";
"rallym" setMarkerDir ((direction teleportTo_object) +90); 

rallyMoved = True; publicVariable "rallyMoved";
waitUntil {!isNil "rallyMoved"};

sleep 1;


while {alive teleportTo_object} do
"rallym" setMarkerPos getPos teleportTo_object;
"rallym" setMarkerShape "ICON";
"rallym" setMarkerType "mil_dot";
"rallym" setMarkerSize [1.0, 1.0];
"rallym" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"rallym" setMarkerText "Rally Point Guerillas";
"rallym" setMarkerDir ((direction teleportTo_object) +90); 

rallyMoved = True; publicVariable "rallyMoved";
waitUntil {!isNil "rallyMoved"};

sleep 1;

i tried deleting the markers but they are needed for jip players to spawn to i think.

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Or you could use setMarkerAlphaLocal. And set the value to zero.

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Yes that, and you need to use publicVariable to trigger some script locally for each player, and the script should choose the markers that match the player side.

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well i impress my self amazing thanks guys i got it.

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for future reference if any 1 ealse is making a tvt mission to only let the appropriate team see a marker just add Local


"rallym" setMarkerPos[b]Local[/b] getPos teleportTo_object;
"rallym" setMarkerShape[b]Local[/b] "ICON";
"rallym" setMarkerType[b]Local[/b] "mil_dot";
"rallym" setMarkerSize[b]Local[/b] [1.0, 1.0];
"rallym" setMarkerColor[b]Local[/b] "ColorGreen";
"rallym" setMarkerText[b]Local[/b] "Rally Point USA";
"rallym" setMarkerDir[b]Local [/b]((direction teleportTo_object) +90); 

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"Local" is mandatory, but it won't make a single difference if you run the script on every client. You have to run the script only in the clients where you want the marker to be seen, and not in the others.

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its working for me only east can see the east rally marker and west can only see the west rally marker tested on dedi with several players

would it be working becouse im calling the marker scripts by using

if ((side player) == west) then {server execVM "HOG scripts\player_specific\rally\rallyMLoop.sqf"};

if ((side player) == resistance) then {server execVM "HOG scripts\east\rally\rallyMLoop.sqf"};

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Yap hogmason, that's doing the trick. The right script is executed in the right client.

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righto awsome,

so for anyone who stumbles upon this thread looking for how to set markers that only 1 team can see this is how its done.

i likt to keep things tidy and in like a filing order so in your init place


//    help with jip                         //

if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then
 waitUntil {player == player};
 waitUntil {time > 10};

//    ?? marker Set Up                  //
[] execVM "scripts\markers\init.sqf";

now scripts\markers\init.sqf

//help with jip
if (!isDedicated && (player != player)) then
   waitUntil {player == player};
   waitUntil {time > 10};

if ((side player) == west) then {server execVM "scripts\markers\westmarker.sqf"};
if ((side player) == resistance) then {server execVM "scripts\markers\eastmarker.sqf"};


place your marker in here


place your marker in here

hope this helps

you can call the markers.sqf files directly from the init but like i said i like to keep things tidy and orginised.


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